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Title: Flavor’s Characteristics of Several Smoked Fish Products in Indonesia
Karakteristik Flavor Beberapa Jenis Ikan Asap di Indonesia
Authors: Santoso, Joko
Zahiruddin, Winarti
Intan Pratama, Rusky
Keywords: flavor
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Ikan pe, ikan fufu, ikan salai and ikan kayu are Indonesian traditional smoked fish delicacies. The differences in raw materials, type of woods, smoking conditions and methods that were applied in Indonesian smoked fish processing gives the products its special characteristics. All of these varieties will affect its chemical and flavor characteristics. The aims of this research were to inventory Indonesian traditional smoked fish processes and also to identify flavor compounds, chemical and sensory characteristics of each product. This research was carried out in two stages. The first one was interviewing the smoked fish processing owner, observing on smoked fish process and collecting samples and in second stage, samples were analyzed on its composition of proximate, phenolic, salt, free amino acids and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry was used to identify polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon content and volatile compounds in smoked fish. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis with Principal Component Analysis were used to evaluate samples sensory characteristics based on attributes that were given by 10 trained panelists was also performed. The results showed that samples differences gave a significant effect on moisture, ash, fat, protein, total phenol and salt contents. Ikan pe had the highest water content (76.44%), total phenol (59.34 ppm) and salt content (0.29%) compared to other samples. Ikan kayu had the highest protein (69.12%) and carbohydrate (7.98%) content and ikan salai had the highest ash (5.55%) and fat (5.87%) content. The free amino acids analysis result were varied depends on the type of samples and none of any 18 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon compounds (at detection limit 660 ppb) were detected in any of these samples. Most volatile compounds detected came from hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, furans, phenolic, ethers and esters groups. The Quantitative Descriptive Analysis and Principal Component Analysis results showed that each sample had a certain distinctive characteristics on aroma and taste sensory attributes and can be characterized based on those certain sensory attributes.
Pengasapan memberikan harga yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan produk perikanan yang diolah dengan penggaraman atau pengeringan. Pengasapan ikan pada saat ini dilakukan terutama untuk tujuan memberikan penampakan dan flavor yang khas dibandingkan untuk mengawetkan. Ikan pe, ikan fufu, ikan salai dan ikan kayu merupakan produk ikan asap tradisional khas Indonesia. Jenis bahan baku (ikan), jenis kayu, metode dan kondisi pengasapan yang dilakukan di berbagai daerah memiliki ciri yang khas. Hal ini tentu saja akan mempengaruhi karakteristik kimia dan flavor ikan asap. Flavor merupakan salah satu karakteristik penting yang menentukan kualitas dan penerimaan produk di pasaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi proses pembuatan beberapa ikan asap tradisional Indonesia serta mengidentifikasi komponen flavor, karakteristik kimia dan organoleptik. Empat jenis ikan yang dijadikan sampel tersebut ialah ikan fufu yang diperoleh dari pengolah ikan asap Kelompok Langsa 2 (Bitung, Sulawesi Utara), ikan salai dari CV DA Pabata (Padang, Sumatera Barat), ikan kayu dari CV Omereso (Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara) dan ikan pe dari Kelompok Sukoharjo (Rembang, Jawa Tengah). Tahap kedua ialah analisis laboratorium terhadap keempat jenis sampel tersebut. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi komposisi proksimat, total fenol, garam, asam amino bebas, Polycyclic Aromatic Hidrocarbon (PAH), komposisi flavor menggunakan Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) dan uji organoleptik deskripsi metode Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA®), selanjutnya dilakukan analisis komponen utama atau Principal Component Analysis (PCA) untuk melihat hubungan komponen utama berdasarkan atribut-atribut yang diberikan 10 orang panelis terlatih.
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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