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Title: The Implementation of Autonomy Policy in Kota Tangerang: Financial Management, Public Service Quality and Social Welfare
Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Kota Tangerang: Pengelolaan Keuangan, Mutu Pelayanan Publik dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
Authors: Priyarsono, D.S.
Juanda, Bambang
Yandri., Pitri
Keywords: public expenditure
principal component analysis
fiscal autonomy
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The objectives of the study are to: (1) analyze the effects of public expenditure and the implementation of autonomy policy on Human Development Index (HDI); (2) analyze public perception of education public service before and after the implementation of autonomy policy; (3) analyze the public financial performance before and after implementation of autonomy policy. The values examined in this study used Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fisher Exact Value Test and the formula of fiscal autonomy. The results of the study show that (1) the elasticity of each coefficient of public expenditure as follows: 1.58 for agriculture sector; 0.94 for education; 0.36 for health, 0.44 for housing, 0.61for infrastructure, and 0.70 for PDRB; (2) public perception of education public service in central city as well as in suburb are equal. There is no perception difference about education public service between before and after the implementation of autonomy policy; (3) public financial performance in Kota Tangerang after the implementation of the policy is not better than that of policy.
Kota Tangerang secara geografis sangat strategis karena merupakan penyangga utama Ibu Kota Negara DKI Jakarta dan kota paling depan di wilayah Banten. Letak geografis seperti itu sangat menguntungkan bagi Kota Tangerang, terutama dalam pengembangan ekonomi wilayah. Tumpahan aktivitas ekonomi dari metropolitan Jakarta selain merupakan modal penggerak ekonomi juga membawa dampak ikutan berupa permasalahan lingkungan, kesediaan lahan dan tingginya angka migrasi. Besarnya arus migrasi yang tidak diikuti oleh ketersediaan lapangan kerja, kualitas sumber daya manusia serta permasalahan lainnya menjadikan Kota Tangerang menghadapi permasalahan yang kompleks. Secara deduktif, beberapa permasalahan tersebut adalah minimnya fasilitas pelayanan dasar umum, seperti sanitasi, sampah, buruknya tempat tinggal dan lain sebagainya.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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