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Title: Pengaruh Pemberian Kalium Sorbat Dan Natrium Klorida Pada Pembentukan Histamin Ikan Cakalang
Authors: Hartono, Rudy
Mas'ud, Hikmawati
Ipa, Agustian
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Series/Report no.: Vol. 29;No. 1
Abstract: Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis L) doesn not have spoiling process such as another kind of fish, but the fish can make allergic or poisson for people who eat it, such as fever, face, and red-neck, dizzy, etc. To inhibit histamine production in cakalang as an allergic substance, sorbat kalium and chlorida natrium were used as antihistamins in Cakalang storage. These sumbstances could inhibit histamine production and maybe no allergic if Cakalang have been eaten. As advantage, this research will support government program in sector ocean and fihery exploration with increase fish quality with decrease histamine production, so beside Cakalang 's production priority every year, also as government's foreign exchange sources that effective and efficient in process and preparation technology. Research result histamine content, TMA (Tri Metil Amin), TVB (Total Volatil Base), pH influential real to the experiment. For total microbe, effective experiment to decrease amount microbe form, the experiment influence to Cakalang's taste, and the experiment is not real different to Cakalang 's texture.
Appears in Collections:Media Gizi dan Keluarga

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