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Title: Commercialization Strategy Analysis of IPB’s Food and Beverages Inventions
Analisis Strategi Komersialisasi Invensi Makanan Minuman IPB
Authors: Irwanto, Abdul Kohar
Munandar, Jono Mintarto
Syaefudin Andrianto., Mokhamad
Keywords: inventions
food and beverages
clusters analysis
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: IPB has many inventions but unfortunately the percentage of their commercialization is low. The study was aimed to optimalize the commercialization strategy of IPB’s food and beverages inventions which consist of (1) formulating generic strategy of inventions commercialization, (2) grouping the invemtions into clusters and (3) formulating of the effective commercialization strategy of each invention cluster. The study consists of SWOT Analysis, Cluster Analysis and AHP (analytic hierarchy process). The study has successfully identified five general strategies to optimalize the IPB’s food and beverages inventions, i.e (1) mapping of requirements strategy priority and inventions step, (2) market research and trend of consumer demand, (3) revilalization of incubation activity as industrial teaching and new commercially product development as well as synergize with start up capital program, (4) the need of joint production marketing and financial, and (5) revilatization of invention area. IPB’s inventions of food and beverages can be categorized into three clusters i.e. diversification food, added-value, and utilization of local source. The cluster of diversification food with low entry barriers has competence to be more developed. Mean while the cluster of added-value and utilization of local source with medium and low entry barriers respectively, has limited competence to be developed. Hence, the strategy priority for cluster of diversification food and added-value is joint and for utilization of local source is license.
IPB sebagai universitas yang ingin mengedepankan riset (Research Based University) dan berkarakter wirausaha sebagai ciri khasnya, di tahun-tahun mendatang akan menghasilkan banyak produk riset termasuk invensi. Invensi didefinisikan sebagai ide inventor yang dituangkan kedalam suatu kegiatan pemecahan masalah yang spesifik di bidang teknologi dapat berupa produk atau proses atau penyempurnaan dan pengembangan produk atau proses. Hasil survei pendahuluan di Dit.RKS IPB menunjukkan bahwa produk invensi perguruan tinggi belum dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal baik sosial maupun komersial. Dilain sisi, invensi IPB cukup kompetitif hal ini ditunjukkan dengan dominasi invensi IPB yang lolos seleksi kompetisi di Bisnis Innovation Center (BIC). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menyusun alternatif strategi komersialisasi dengan (1) merumuskan strategi umum berdasarkan identifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan tantangan dan ancaman invensi IPB, (2) menyusun klasifikasi produk invensi IPB bidang makanan dan minuman berdasarkan karakteristik tertentu, (3) Analisis strategi komersialisasi yang sesuai berdasarkan karakteristik invensi
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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