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Title: Analisis dampak ekonomi wisata bahari terhadap masyarakat di pulau pramuka taman nasional kepulauan seribu
The Impact Analysis of Marine Tourism Economic to Community in Pramuka Island, The National Park of Seribu Islands.
Authors: Muntasib,Harini
Prihatno, Joko
Prasetio, Bambang
Keywords: Economic Impact
Marine Tourism
Multiplier Effect
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The National Park of Seribu Islands has area of 107.489 ha are designated by the Minister of Forestry Number 6310/Kpts-II/2002 at 13th june 2002. As one of tourist destination, nautical tourism in the Pramuka island has the potential of tourism such as coral reefs, white sand beaches, and turtle breeding. To determine the economic impact of marine tourism activities, the economic impact analysis of research conducted marine tourism to the community. This research aims to know the condition of communities before and after the introduction of marine tourism activities and economic impact after the tourist activity. This research was conducted in December 2010 until January 2011 in the Pramuka Island The National Park of Seribu Islands. The respondents were visitors and local people are involved or not involved in tourism activity. Data was collected through literature study, interviews, and questionnaires. The Analysis of Multplier Effect and Statistical t-student was used to determine the factors which influence the economic impacts Pramuka Island economic conditions prior to the marine tourism activities have a profession as a fisherman for 40%, after the introduction of marine tourism activities which people's livelihood in the areas are trade, services and accommodation, aquaculture, home industry, workshop, craft industry, shops, restaurants , private agencies, governments and others.The impact caused by the presence of marine tourism activities that the value of Keynesian multiplier in the Pramuka island was 1.44, it means the increase of tourist expenditure in the amount of 1 rupiah will have an impact on improving the local community in the amount 1.44 rupiah or equivalent to 4.896.525 rupiah. Ratio Income Multiplier Type 1 in the amount of 1.45, it means the increasing of 1 rupiah of business unit owners from tourist expenditure will result an increase in direct and indirect impacts (the income of a business unit owner and local employment) is the amount of 1.45 rupiah or equivalent to 2.141.049 rupiah. The value of Type 2 Ratio Multiplier income is the amount of 1.8, it means an increase of 1 rupiah in tourist expenditure will result in an increase of 1.8 rupiah or equivalent to 2.723.247 rupiah on the total income of the people in the direct, indirect and induced impact (in the form of the business owners income, employment and consumption expenditure at local level). The results of the calculation of t value on the income of the communities that were involved -4752 while t-count (-4752) <-t table (t0.025;29), so the marine tourism activity gave real effect on the communities who were involved and not involved in tourist activities both before and after the tourist activity.
Kawasan Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu (TNKpS) memiliki areal seluas 107.489 Ha yang ditunjuk dengan Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan Nomor 6310/Kpts-II/2002 tanggal 13 Juni 2002. Sebagai salah satu daerah tujuan wisata,kawasan wisata bahari di Pulau Pramuka memiliki potensi wisata seperti terumbu karang, pantai pasir putih, dan penangkaran penyu. Untuk mengetahui dampak ekonomi kegiatan wisata bahari, maka dilakukan penelitian analisis dampak ekonomi wisata bahari terhadap masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi masyarakat sebelum dan setelah adanya pengembangan kegiatan wisata bahari serta dampak ekonomi setelah adanya pengembangan kegiatan wisata. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Desember 2010 sampai Januari 2011 di Pulau Pramuka Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu. Kajian terhadap pengunjung dan masyarakat terlibat maupun tidak terlibat kegiatan wisata. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dampak ekonomi dianalisis dengan uji statistik t-student dan konsep Multiplier. Kondisi ekonomi masyarakat Pulau Pramuka sebelum adanya pengembangan kegiatan wisata bahari memiliki profesi sebagai nelayan sebesar 40%, setelah adanya pengembangan kegiatan wisata bahari mata pencaharian masyarakat bertambah keragamannya yakni di bidang perdagangan, jasa dan akomodasi, budidaya perikanan, home industry, perbengkelan, industry kerajinan,warung, rumah makan, instansi swasta, pemerintahan dan lain-lain. Dampak yang terjadi akibat adanya pengembangan kegiatan wisata bahari bahwa nilai pengganda Keynesian Multiplier di. Pulau Pramuka sebesar 1,44 artinya peningkatan pengeluaran wisatawan sebesar 1 rupiah akan berdampak pada peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat lokal sebesar 1,44 rupiah atau setara dengan Rp.4.896.525. Ratio Income Multiplier Tipe I sebesar 1,45 artinya peningkatan 1 rupiah pendapatan pemilik unit usaha dari pengeluaran wisatawan akan mengakibatkan peningkatan pada dampak langsung dan tidak langsung (berupa pendapatan pemilik unit usaha dan tenaga kerja lokal) sebesar 1,45 rupiah atau setara dengan Rp.2.141.049. Nilai Ratio Income Multiplier Tipe II sebesar 1,8 artinya peningkatan 1 rupiah pengeluaran wisatawan akan mengakibatkan peningkatan sebesar 1,8 rupiah atau setara dengan Rp.2.723.247 pada total pendapatan masyarakat pada dampak langsung, tak langsung dan induced (berupa pendapatan pemilik usaha, tenaga kerja dan pengeluaran konsumsi di tingkat lokal). Hasil perhitungan nilai t atas pendapatan masyarakat yang terlibat sebesar - 4.752 sedangkan –t hitung (-4.752) <-t tabel (t0.025;29), maka kegatan wisata bahari memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap masyarakat yang terlibat dan tidak terlibat kegiatan wisata baik sebelum dan sesudah adanya pengembangan kegiatan wisata bahari.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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