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Title: Strategy of seed source development of mindi (Melia azedarach L.) in community forest in West Java Province
Strategi pengembangan sumber benih mindi (Melia azedarach L.) pada hutan rakyat di Provinsi Jawa Barat
Authors: Wijayanto, Nurheni
Siregar, Iskandar Z
Darma, I Gusti Ketut Tapa
Keywords: Melia azedarach
hutan rakyat
Jawa Barat
sumber benih
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Melia azedarach L. or mindi (local name) is one of the widely planted exotic species in Indonesia, mostly found in community forests in West Java. It is still an urgent need for improvement of mindi plantation productivity, especially in community forest in West Java. One of the factors that affect forest productivity is high quality seed, but seed quality is not easily obtained by farmers. For this it is necessary to carry out a strategies which can support the development of seed sources in the community forest. The general objective of this research is to formulate development strategies of mindi seed sources in the community forest in West Java, while specific purposes of this study are to (1) determine the genetic and morphology diversity of mindi in the community forest in West Java, (2) improve seed pre-treatment to develop the seed viability of mindi, and (3) analyze of socio-economic and institutional aspect of farmers, to support the development of the seed sources. Six populations of mindi plantation in the community forests were chosen for this research. i.e Nagrak village (Bogor); Megamendung (Bogor); Hamlet of Gambung (Bandung); Wanayasa subdistrict (Purwakarta); Padasari village (Sumedang) and Babakan Rema village (Kuningan). RAPD markers were used to assess the genetic variation, while various pre-treatments employing chemical and physical methods were tested to improve seed viability and vigor. SWOT analysis was used to evaluate the capacity of farmers in developing seed source. The results showed that the genetic variation of mindi in community forests in West Java was moderate ranging from He = 0.1603-0.1956. With respect to seed treatment, the use of sulfuric acid (95%) increased the viability of seed by 57% over control, especially seed from Padasari (Sumedang) population. Prospective populations to be developed for seed sources were proposed namely Padasari (Sumedang) and Legok Huni (Purwakarta). Evaluation of socio-economic and institutional aspect in these two location showed that generally farmers have the sufficient capacity to manage community forests. Four strategies that can be used to develop seed sources of mindi in community forest in West Java : i.e 1. The strategy based on utilization of plant genetic resources of mindi to increase seed production in order to meet the need of mindi timber market. 2. The strategy based on market and networking opportunities to improve the quality of mindi seeds . 3. The strategy based on capacity building and institutional development of farmers in the cultivation of mindi. 4. The strategy based on increasing farmers' interest in cultivation of mindi In conclusion, effective strategy of mindi seed source development should emphasize following important considerations such as the utilization of exisiting genetic resources, enhancement of institutions and networks as well as optimizing opportunities in mindi timber markets.
Melia azedarach L. atau mindi (nama lokal), salah satu jenis eksotik yang tumbuh baik di Indonesia, khususnya di lahan milik masyarakat atau hutan rakyat di Jawa Barat. Kayu mindi mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang cukup baik. Salah satu permasalahan yang muncul dalam pengembangan hutan rakyat mindi saat ini adalah belum tersedianya benih mindi berkualitas yang dapat diakses oleh masyarakat. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah menyusun strategi pengembangan sumber benih mindi pada hutan rakyat di Jawa Barat, adapun tujuan khusus yang juga menjadi aspek penelitian adalah (1) menganalisis potensi keragaman genetik dan morfologi tanaman mindi di hutan rakyat di Jawa Barat; (2) menganalisis teknik penanganan mindi yang didasarkan pada struktur anatomi dan biokimia benih, dan (3) menganalisis kondisi sosial-ekonomi dan kelembagaan petani hutan rakyat khususnya yang mengembangkan tanaman mindi, guna mendukung sumber benih yang akan dikembangkan.
Appears in Collections:DT - Forestry

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