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Title: Pemberian curcumin dalam ransum babi sebagai pengganti antibiotik sintetis untuk pemacu pertumbuhan
Curcumin /extract curcuma domestica in pig rations to replace sintetic antibiotic as growth promotor
Authors: Sihombing, D.T.H.
Bintang, Maria
Sinaga, Sauland
Keywords: Curcumin
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Research on the effect of pig ration containing curcumin to replace synthetic antibiotic as growth promotor has been conducted from November 2008 to june 2009 in research laboratory and teaching farm KPBI (Koperasi Peternak Babi Indonesia), Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung, Nutritionnal Laboratory of Faculty Animal Husbandry University of Padjadjaran. The purpose of this research is to study the effective dosage of curcumin in comparable with virginiamicin as growth promotor in pig. This research used method of experimental Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of five treatments (Rvm: 50 ppm virginiamicin, R0 : without virginiamicin and curcumin, R1: 120 ppm curcumin, R2: 160 ppm curcumin and R3: 200 ppm curcumin), where every treatment was repeated by five times. This research used 25 starter period pigs, two months old with average body weight 18 kg and variation coefficient 6,33%. The result of this research showed that giving curcumin as feed additive 160 ppm in pig ration increased digestible energy and body weight gain, decreased the rate of passage of feed, feed convertion, time to reach slaughter weight, LDL serum, the amount of colliform and total bacteria that all the same as additive virginiamicin 50 ppm. Feeding the diet infected by E. coli decreases consumtion, body weight gain, feed conversion and carcass weight. However feeding the diet containing curcumin 160 ppm and infected by E. coli increased loin eye area. The resulted of this study shows that the dose of curcumin up to 160 ppm in pig ration, can replace virginiamicin as growth promoter.
Penggunaan senyawa antibiotik sebagai pemacu pertumbuhan dalam ransum ternak telah menjadi perdebatan sengit para ilmuwan akibat efek buruk yang ditimbulkan bagi konsumen seperti residu dan resistensi. Maka perlu dicari alternatif yang aman dan mudah didapat di negeri kita ini, salah satunya adalah curcumin merupakan hasil dari ekstrak dari kunyit Curcuma domestica yang mempunyai khasiat untuk merangsang organ pencernaan seperti lambung, usus dan kelenjar pankreas dalam proses pencernaan makanan. Selain itu curcumin secara in vitro mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri patogen dalam usus seperti Staphylococcus dan Streptococcus.
Appears in Collections:DT - Animal Science

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