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Title: Model pengelolaan lahan rawa lebak berbasis sumberdaya lokal untuk pengembangan Usahatani berkelanjutan (studi kasus di Kecamatan Sungai Raya dan Sungai Ambawang, Kabupaten Kubu Raya - Kalimantan Barat)
Authors: Sabiham, Supiandi
Las, Irsal
Ghulamahdi, Munif
Keywords: Model management
Swamp land
Local resources
Sustainable farming
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The exploitation of swamp land is still limited when compared to the cultivation of dry land or irrigated land. Some of the factors that make the exploitation of swamp area far from expectation and its yields not maximum, for example 1) the wrong perception of farmers that the farming they are doing now has given high income, 2) a lack of capital, 3) low technological access, 4) characteristics of farmer‘s subsistence, and 5) tradition-based farming. This study was aimed to formulate a resources-based swamp land development model to increase land productivity and farmer Income. This research was conducted in the Sub-District of Sungai Ambangah in the District of Sungai Raya, and the Sub-District of Pasak Piang in the District of Sungai Ambawang, in the Regency of Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan Province. The analysis of each crop cultivated in both Sungai Ambangah and Pasak Piang gave the following results respectively for both areas; (1) rice with the R/C ratio of 3,30 and 4,80; (2) rubber with B/C ratio of 1,23 and 24,35; and (3) palm with the B/C ratio of 1,52. These results, if linked to the value of Appropriate Living Needs (ALN) and the minimum land area (ML) that must be fulfilled, indicate that the farmers in Sungai Ambangah could reach only 26,92% of ALN and require a minimum land of about 3,15 hectares; whereas the farmers of Pasak Piang could meet 34,53% of ALN and need a minimum land of approximately 2,54 hectares. Further, the sustainability status for the five dimensions in the existing condition of Sungai Ambangah obtained the index value of 54,82% or the category of sustainable enough for the institutional dimension, while the other four dimensions got the value of less than 50,00%, or categorized as less sustainable. As for the village of Pasak Piang, it got the index value of 52,19% or the category of sustainable enough also for the institutional dimension, whereas the other four dimensions obtained the value of less than 50,00% or considered less sustainable. The model formulated from the results of this study is based on the available local resources in both research sites, a model of sustainable farm development on swamp lands (UTLRL). Conceptually, this is also called an integrated farming model, that is, by integrating crops and livestock. The recommended policies formulated from the results of this study include: (1) the pattern of farming and increased cropping index, (2) maintenance of livestock, (3) the provision of farm capital, (4) the availability of micro finance institutions, (5) the active role of agricultural extension agencies, (6) farmers and farmer groups, (7) support from research institutions and higher education, and (8) post-harvest management and marketing.
Indonesia mempunyai lahan rawa seluas 33,40 juta hektar yang terdiri atas rawa pasang surut dan rawa lebak dan umumnya tersebar di Pulau Sumatera, Kalimantan, dan Papua. Di Kalimantan Barat, terdapat rawa lebak seluas 35 436 hektar dan baru dimanfaatkan sekitar 27,6%. Secara umum, pemanfaatan rawa lebak masih terbatas dan hanya bersifat untuk menopang kehidupan sehari-hari dan masih tertinggal jika dibandingkan dengan agroekosistem lain, seperti lahan kering atau lahan irigasi. Hal itu disebabkan oleh berbagai kendala, baik kendala fisik lahan maupun non fisik. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan beberapa faktor non fisik sebagai penyebab sehingga pengusahaan rawa lebak masih jauh dari harapan dan belum memberikan hasil yang maksimal, antara lain 1) adanya persepsi dari petani yang keliru bahwa usahatani yang dijalani sekarang telah menghasilkan pendapatan yang tinggi, 2) kurangnya modal, 3) akses teknologi yang rendah, 4) sifat subsistem petani dan 5) berusahatani karena kebiasaan. Penelitian bertujuan (1) untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik rawa lebak dan petani yang memanfaatkan rawa lebak, (2) menganalisis kesesuaian lahan beberapa tanaman utama yang diusahakan di rawa lebak, (3) menganalisis kelayakan usahatani saat ini di rawa lebak, (4) mengetahui indeks dan status keberlanjutan usahatani di rawa lebak, (5) mengetahui variabel-variabel dominan model pengelolaan rawa lebak berkelanjutan berdasarkan lima dimensi keberlanjutan, dan (6) merumuskan model pengelolaan lahan rawa lebak berbasis sumberdaya lokal untuk usahatani berkelanjutan.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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