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Title: Penyusunan model untuk penetapan luas lahan optimum usaha tani padi sawah padawilayah beriklim kering mendukung kemandirian pangan berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat)
Other Titles: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Authors: Sabiham, Supiandi
Bambang Pramudya N.
Rusastra, I Wayan
Nazam, Moh.
Keywords: Oryza sativa
Paddy field
Dry climate
Food self-sufficiency
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Food security remains a strategic issue which is complex, multidimensional and involves many sectors. Increasing of rice production to meet the need of staple food for more than 95% of the population faced many problems: conversion of rice fields, population growth, limited of irrigation infrastructure, climate changes, land degradation, low incomes of farmers and poverty. The complexity of these problems could not be solved partially. It was a critical issue that underlies the importance of this research. The study was conducted at West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB). The aims of research were: (1) to analyze the income and optimize the paddy rice farming fields at three different typologies, (2) to analyze the farmers’ need for decent living and to determine the contribution of famers’ income; (3) to analyze the regional capacity of rice production and consumption, (4) to assess sustainability status of lowland rice production systems, (5) to develop models and scenarios for determining optimum land area of rice farming fields to support sustainable food self-sufficiency. The study used primary and secondary data. Farm income was analyzed with the input-output analysis and optimization of farming fields with Goal Programming. Farmers’ need of decent living was determined based on an approach of household expenditures which was equivalent to rice capita-1 year-1.
Masalah ketahanan pangan masih menjadi isu strategis yang sangat kompleks, bersifat multidimensi dan melibatkan banyak sektor. Peningkatan produksi padi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan pokok bagi lebih dari 95% penduduk menghadapi berbagai hambatan. Kendala utama terkait dengan masalah konversi lahan sawah, pertumbuhan penduduk, keterbatasan infastruktur irigasi, variabilitas iklim, degradasi lahan, rendahnya pendapatan petani dan masalah kemiskinan. Kompleksitas permasalahan tersebut tidak dapat dipecahkan secara parsial, sehingga merupakan masalah kritis yang perlu mendapat perhatian serius dalam proses perencanaan pembangunan. Hal inilah yang mendasari pentingnya penelitian ini dilaksanakan. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) pada bulan April sampai dengan Desember 2010, bertujuan: (1) menganalisis pendapatan dan optimasi usaha tani padi sawah pada tiga tipologi lahan sawah; (2) menganalisis kebutuhan hidup layak petani dan menentukan kontribusi pendapatan usaha tani padi sawah terhadap kebutuhan hidup layak petani; (3) menganalisis kapasitas produksi dan kebutuhan konsumsi padi; (4) menilai indeks dan status keberlanjutan multidimensi sistem produksi padi sawah; (5) menyusun model dan alternatif skenario penetapan luas lahan optimum usaha tani padi sawah mendukung kemandirian pangan berkelanjutan.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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