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Title: Analisis positioning kacang mete di benak konsumen dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen (Studi Kasus Di Pt. Sentra Family Food, Jakarta Barat)
Other Titles: Positioning analysis of cashew nut in consumer’s mind and factors that affect consumer’s purchase decision (case study in pt. Sentra Family Food Indonesia, West Jakarta)
Authors: Herlina, Lien
Destriana, Ulanda
Keywords: Cashew nuts
Consumer Behavior
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Cashew nuts are snacks, which rarely to be consumed as a daily snack because many consumers are not accustomed to eat nuts because of the high fat content. Cashew nuts producers need to know the reason why the consumers are not accustomed to eat nuts due to health reasons or due to other factors. The purpose of this study is to analyze the position of cashew nut products which embedded in the consumer mind, to determine the other factors that affect purchasing decisions and to determine the marketing strategies recommendation. The questionnaires are spread around Jakarta, where 160 respondents never consumed cashew nuts, by the composition of female (67%) with age 17- 26 years (56%), unmarried people (60%), private employees (30%) and students (28%) with income of Rp 2.500.000-Rp 3.500.000 (35%). In the purchase decision, the reasons why the consumers buy cashew nuts because of some reason such as: the nuts tastes good and varied (64%), the cashew nuts mostly eat during leisure time at home (54%), the cashew nuts are well known because of the advertisement from the public media and family information about the popular brand which is Caspy (31%) with the uncertain frequency purchases (90%). On the Biplot analysis result the vector attribute that direct into the Caspy brand of cashew nuts is the price attribute which mean that Caspy brand price is cheaper than the competitor brand. The factor that affects the consumer to buy the cashew nuts is the individual different factor with the most affected variable is life style while the unaffected factor is the health reason that had been analyzed by factor analysis. The marketing strategies that being suggested are the cashew nut marketing in any supermarket and minimarket, promote the brand purchase by using electronic media that can reach higher scope of consumer and create the varied packaging size.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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