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Title: Analisis gender dalam penyelenggaraan program nasional pemberdayaan masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri Pedesaan (kasus di desa Kemang, kecamatan Bojongpicung kabupaten Cianjur, provinsi Jawa Barat)
Authors: Mugniesyah, Siti Sugiah
Sulistiawati, Asri
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: This study found that the majority of the Sosial Dasar Pasticipants (male participants) and SPKP Participants (female participants) were in the high category of their acces toward the PNPM MP but relatively low in terms of control toward the program. Therefore , their participation level on the program were mostly low. This relates to the fact that the majority of participants status were as a member. One indicator of success of the program PNPM MP can be viewed through the output of a program that is felt by the community. Benefit analysis in this study includes Levels of Business Development and Income Level. More than half of the PNPM MP claimed that the business activities carried out after any assistance is growing especially Pembangunan Infrastruktur Jalan and SPKP. Similarly, the income level where the majority of participants PNPM MP claimed that income increased along with increasing business activity being undertaken. This study found that the participation of poor households are less involved in the planning and implementation of PNPM MP. This is thought to be caused because (1) lack of awareness of poor households to participate, (2) lack of transparency of the actors at the village level in running the program so it does not all the public aware of the PNPM MP, and (3) facilitators who are less responsive to the existing problems in the field. The fact that the relatively high proportion of women who participated in the planning and implementation of programs that are not followed by high access and control over their resources PNPM MP on the one side, in contrast to the male participants; KKG reflect that the principle underlying the planning and implementation of the PNPM MP Village Kemang has not succeeded in meeting the strategic needs of gender. This is supported by the fact that although women are involved in every meeting, but their presence is still limited to physical presence, have not been able to improve their leadership. Conversely, if it refers to the fact that both the PSD and SPKP states to benefit from a stimulant high they get, it can be concluded that PNPM MP in Kemang Village can meet practical gender needs.
Appears in Collections:UT - Communication and Community Development

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BAB I309.84 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
BAB II PendekatanTeoritis_ I11asu.pdf
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BAB III Metodologi Penelitian_ I11asu.pdf
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BAB VII Stimulan PNPM MP_ I11asu.pdf
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