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Title: Pengaruh tingkat energi terhadap penampilan tikus putih
The Effect of Energy Level on the Performance of Rattus norvegicus
Authors: Uhi, H.T.
Wahyuni, I.
Joseph, G.
Parakkasi, A.
Keywords: tikus putih
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The study was done to look into the effects of energy level on performance and feed efficiency of White rats (Rattus norvegicus). The animals used in this study was 16 heads, 8 males and 8 females at 28 days of age. The size of plastic cage used was 39 x 42 15 cm with cover by wire. The cages was equiped with feeder and drinker. The feedstuffs used were corn, rice bran, soybean meal, fish meal, cooking oil, limestone and premix. The feeding treatments applied consisted of high and low energy level for female and male rats (RBB and RBJ for high energy, while RAB and RAJ for low energy). The results showed that Hie average final body-weight of females with high energy level was significantly higher (195,5 gram) than those with low energy level (177,5 gram). The same result were.found with the male rats where the average final body weight of males with high energy was 243,5 gram while those with low energy was 204,5 gram. Feed consumption of the animals with low energy was higher than those fed high energy. Feed conversion of RAB and RAJ groups (3,4 and 3.0) were significantly different (P<0,05) as compare to RBB and RBJ (2.6 and 2.2) groups.
Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh tingkat energi terhadap penampilan, dan efisiensi pakan tikus. Penelitian ini menggunakan tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) berumur 28 hari, sebanyak 16 ekor yang terdiri dari 8 ekor jantan dan 8 ekor betina. Kandang atau kotak yang digunakan adalah baki plastik berukuran 39 cm x 42 cm x 15 cm, dengan penutup kawat ram, dan dilengkapi tempat pakan dan tempat minum. Bahan pakan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan ransum adalah jagung, dedak, bungkil kedelei, tepung ikan. minyak goring, kapur dan premix. Perlakuan pakan yang diberikan terdiri dari ransum berenergi tinggi untuk tikus betina dan jantan (RBB dan RAJ) dan berenergi rendah untuk tikus betina dan jantan (RAB dan RAJ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rataan bobot badan akhir ransum energi tinggi tikus betina (195,5 gram) nyata berbeda (P<0,05) jika dibandingkan dengan ransum berenergi rendah (177,5 gram), demikian juga rataan bobot badan akhir tikus jantan ransum berenergi tinggi (243,5 gram) nyata berbeda (P<0,05) dari ransum berenergi rendah (204,5 gram). Konsumsi ransum Berenergi rendah lebih banyak dibanding ransum energi berenergi tinggi. Konversi ransum RAB dan RAJ (3,4 dan 3,0) nyata berbeda (P<0,05) dibanding perlakuan (RBB dan RAJ) masing-masing (2.6 dan 2.2).
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Animal Science

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