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Title: Analisis Perbedaan Faktor Demografi dalam Strategi Penanggulangan Stres Kerja: Studi Kasus Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bogor
Authors: Hubeis, Aida Vitayala
Hermawan, Aji
Inayani, Yani
Keywords: analysis of the difference (ANOVA)
constructive thinking inventory
constructive thinking theory
coping stress strategy
demographic factors
job stress
teori berpikir konstruktif
strateg coping stres
faktor demografi
stres kerja
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Stress can be influenced by several factors including demographic factors such as gender, age and education level. Based on Epstein research (1986), one method that can be used to cope with stress is a Constructive Thinking. Several studies conducted in overseas have shown positive response towards the implementation of Constructive Thinking methods for reducing stress in the workplace. However, whether this theory can also be adopted in Indonesia, especially to cope with stress among the government employees? On that basis, the aim of this study are as follows: (1) To enquire the constructive thinking level of employee at Bogor Health Department (2). To analyze the differences in demographic factors (gender, age and education level) in a stress reduction strategy at Bogor Health Department.. Based on ANOVA (analysis of variance), the result showed that there were no differences of how stress was coped based both sex and age of the employee either as Global Constructive Thinking or six sub-scales from Constructive Thinking Inventory, only to education level factor i.e. Personal Superstitious Thinking and Naive Optimism that shown significantly different. Beside that, there were significantly different result obtained between male n female employees with the bachelor degree for the Categorical Thinking scale, betwen male n female employees with the bachelor degree range from 21 to 32 years old for Global Constructive Thinking and range 45 to 56 years old for Behavioral Coping and Categorical Thinking scales.The other hand, there were significantly different result obtain between male n female employees with non degree range from 33 to 44 years olds for Naive Optimism Scale.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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