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Title: Strategi Pengembangan Kesempatan Kerja Di Kabupaten Natuna
Strategy of Employment Development Opportunities in Natuna Regency
Authors: Kolopaking, Lala M.
Baga, Lukman Mohammad
Keywords: Natuna Regency
Employment Opportunities
Based Economic
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the result of supplies and local manpower qualification. In addition, strategy and employment developing program through SWOT and Road Map Strategy is formulated. Local inhabitants manpower age prediction on the period of inhabitants productive domination. PDRB based on constant price of 2000 is assumed higher, especially in agriculture sector will be amounting to 618 milliards rupiahs in 2015 with total manpower expectation 38.340 manpower. Employment which are available in Natuna due to Riau and Kepri development, consisting 8.887 manpower, industrial collaborated component is 2.407 manpower, competitive potential component is 2.172 so that the total of available Employment will be 13.467 laborers from 2002 till 2009. Location Quotient (LQ) analysis indicates the result that in 2009, Natuna possesses four based sectors, they are agriculture, construction, service and collaborated sectors (minning and quarrying, electricity, gas and water). Among others the formulation strategy conducted through SWOT and Road Map are the local economy development based on marine and the fisheries and the enpowerment of the productive age populations is to support the development of agroindustry through three main clusters tor the coming five years in achieving sustainable employment development program to develop Natuna Regency.
Kabupaten Natuna merupakan daerah tertinggal di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Daerah tertinggal harus melakukan perubahan yang mendasar dalam membangun daerah untuk mengejar ketertinggalan dan ketergantungan. Salah satu cara yang paling efektif adalah mengembangkan kesempatan kerja melalui pendekatan ekonomi lokal berbasis perikanan dan kelautan. Kabupaten Natuna memiliki potensi perikanan dan kelautan yang belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal serta belum mampu menjadi pengungkit perekonomian daerah. Tujuan umum dari kajian ini adalah untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan kesempatan kerja di Kabupaten Natuna. Tujuan spesifik adalah: (1). Mengkaji ketersediaan dan kebutuhan tenagakerja daerah, (2). Mengkaji kondisi kesempatan kerja, (3). Mengkaji tingkat pengangguran dan pembangunan Base Camp Blok D-Alpha Natuna di Kabupaten Natuna. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam kajian adalah Analisis Regresi Linier Sederhana, Analisis Shift Share, Analisis Location Quotient, Analisis Pengganda Basis Lapangan Kerja dan Analisis Deskriptif. Untuk merumuskan strategi digunakan metode Analisis SWOT, untuk menentukan prioritas, jangka waktu pelaksanaan dan program digunakan Metode Road Map Strategy.
Appears in Collections:MT - Professional Master

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