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Title: Hubungan peranan dan gaya kepemimpinan dengan efektifitas kerja karyawan
Authors: Maydiana, Cahya
Keywords: leadership role
leadership style
work effectiveness
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The role and leadership style are factors which determine the employees performance in getting company's goal. Leader's behaviour is an important factor to motivate the employees. The leadership style is one of an organization climate input The other inputs are culture, law, politic, economic, social and technology. They have to be pTocessed to increase the skill of the employees so the effeaivenea of the employees job can be created. The aims of this research are: (1) to explain the role and style of leadership that played by Bakmi Japos Restaurant's manager, (2) to explain the level of employees work effectiveness at Balrmi Japos Restauranl, (3) to analyze the relation behveen the role and style of leadership's manager with the employees work effectiveness at Bakmi Japos Restaurant, (4) to explain the cornlation behveen internal, external and situational factors with the role and style of leadership's manager at Bakmi Japos Restaurant, (5) to explain the correlation between internal, external and situational factors with the employees work effectiveness. The population was all employees of Bakmi Japos Restaurant Sample were 38 pmons and taken by sensus technique. The results of this research were: (1) The employees' are satisfied with four leadership roles and as effective communicator. The employees agreed on the democratic leadership style to reach the objective of the restaurant, (2) The employees worked effectively, (3) Most of the role and leadership style indicated highly significant relationship to the effectiveness of the employees work, (4) Some of internal, external and situational factors have highly significant correlation with the role and leadership style applied by the manager of the Bakmi Japos Restaurant, (5) some of internal, external and situational factors have highly significant correlation with the employees work effectiveness.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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