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Title: Model ekonomi wilayah komoditi kakao biji propinsi sulawesi tengah
The Regional Economic Model for Cocoa Beans Commodity of Central Sulawesi Province
Authors: Juanda, Bambang
Siregar, Hermanto
Gonarsyah, Isang
Hadi, Setia
Yantu, Marwan Rahman
Keywords: cocoa beans commodity
regional economy
economic model
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The aim of the study was to develop a model for the economy of Central Sulawesi Province that bases on cocoa beans commodity Methods of analysis used were R/C ratio, significance test, production function, scale analysis, price efficiency analysis, game theory, logit model, S-C-P model, marketing margin analysis, fixed effect model, constant market share, shift share analysis, Gini ratio, and Theil Index. Data used were time series data 1985 – 2008 by regency about cocoa, population, prices and consumer price index, GDRP, income and its distribution, GDP and population of Malaysia and USA. Furthermore primary data were used too. It was taken by purposive and un-proportional stratified random sampling technique, so that 160 farmers and 46 traders were interviewed. The study developed a model for Sulteng economy that bases cocoa beans commodity. Based on the model, the effect of demand side has been dominated growth of the region economy. On the contrary, in the world economic crisis, the supply side can be traded on. The study recommended (i) program of empowerment for farmers in field of market information; (ii) program of development for marketing institutional of cocoa beans at farm level; (iii) the export volume of cocoa beans to Malaysia shall be increased, so the subsidy policy for factor inputs indirectly like in the Cocoa Gernas Program shall be maintained until condition of farmers stand alone financially; (iv) the economic growth that was pushed by supply side shall be increased by planning of regional economic growth that base cocoa beans. The planning will empty into a training program of cultivation technology, time after cocoa harvest (pascapanen), and cocoa institutional. Finally, some continuation studies that will be made compulsory are (i) participatory research for model development of the cocoa marketing institutional at farm level; (ii) experimental research (game theory) for verifying institutional conclusions of this study; (iii) simulation study that will refer to natural resources (agro-ecology); and (iv) revision study for the regional economy model of cocoa beans that was developed in this study, especially block model II.
Appears in Collections:DT - Economic and Management

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