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Title: Analisis karakteristik pengeringan beku dan menentukan nilai sifat transpor pasta jahe (Zingiber offcinale. Rosc) kering beku
Other Titles: Characteristic analysis of freeze drying and determining transport properties frozen dried ginger (Zingiber officinale. Rosc.) paste, with the advisory committee
Authors: Yudistira
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Ginger comodity is one of raw matter used to make traditional medicine (jamu) in Indonesia. Beside that, ginger also is used as cooking spice and food industry. As traditional medicine, it should be containing active components that are useful to heal human diseases and keep stability of the human health. To elongagte he duration of that commodity, it should be stored in dried condition so that it should be dried. One method to make the moisture content of the matter in very low condition is by drying it at vacuum condition or freeze method.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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