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Title: Kajian Pengaruh Bahan Baku Dan Nisbah Minyak Daun Cengkeh Dengan Larutan NaOH 10% Terhadap Rendemen Dan Karakteristik Isolat Eugenol
Authors: Wahyuddin, Muhammad
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Indonesia has high potential clove leaves oil business opportunity especially in the areas that have high production of cloves, example Java island with cloves cultivation area are about ± 50,000 ha (Balitro 2005) .. It's predicted have falls clove leaves about ± 305 tones/day or equivalent with 4.4 ton clove leaves oil/day. According to Uhe (2005), International market prices for clove leaves oil on February 2005 are 4.25 US Dollar per kg. One way to increase clove leaves oil value is producing isolate compound of clove leaves oil, called eugenol. Eugenol prices is more expensive than clove leaves oil. For illustration, while clove leaves oil prices is Rp. 25,000lkg, eugenol prices is Rp. 75,000/kg (lndesso, 2006). In international market, eugenol from Indonesia has lower raw price because of its lower quality. The price is about 5.15 US Dollar per kg CUhe 2(05). Eugenol can be used as raws material in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food industries, and also as mixture in ingredient for cigarette industries. Eugenol was produce by isolating eugenol from clove leave oil. The chemical process of eugenol isolating is conducted by reaction of clove ' leave oil and strong base by using (Natrium Hidroxyde) to form Na-eugenolat. Eugenol can be regmerated from Na-eugenolat by using the HCI solution. Based on Sumangat et. al research (2003), eugenol isolation with NaOH 6% and ratio of clove leaves and NaOH is 1:7 producing eugenol with yield 67.8- 68.3, purity 99.3% - 99.5% and effectively about 89.5%. The aim of this research is to get the best combination treatment between raws material and ratio between clove leaves oil and NaOH 10%. Distillation method will be doing in 2 ways, treatment will be conducted for distilled clove leaves oil with steam method and condensation method. Ratio between Clove leaves oil and NaOH 10% are 1: 2; 1 : 2.5; and 1 : 3. Treatment design will be using Complete Factorial Random Design Clove leaves oil reacting with NaOH 10%, squealer for 30 minutes with 590 rpm, left for 24 hours, then the substratum which is eugenol compound reacting with HCl 6%, then it washes using hexane. The yield, purity, effectively, and also the physical chemical of eugenol (i.e. refraction index, density, purity, solubility in ethanol 70% and colour) were analysed. The analysis shows that distilled clove leaves oil method affecting the yield, degree of purity, isolation process effectively, and isolat eugenol yield aspect, but the ratio clove leaves oil with NaOH 10% affecting isolation process effectively, and isolate eugenol yield. The Yield by distillation method of clove leaves oil are 63.71 % while steam method are 63.24%. Yield by ratio treatment of clove leaves oil and NaOH 10% (1: 2~ 1 : 2.5; 1 : 3) in sequence arc 63.37 %, 63.62 (%, ancl 63.44%. Eugenol purity by distillation method of clove leaves oil are 97.24 % while by steam method are 98.36 %. Eugenol purity by ratio treatment of clove leaves oil and NaOH 10% (1: 2; 1 : 2.5; 1 : 3) in sequence are 97.44 %,97.57 (Xl, and 98.39 %, and the isolation process effectively is about 98 %. Eugenol density in range 1.0628 - 1.0639 with mean value 1.0632, reti'action index in range berkisar 1,5372 - 1,5391 with mean value 1,5338 . Also solute in alcohol 70 % in ratio 1 : 2. Colour of eugenol is still darkness (yellow reddish). The best combining treatment due to the yield, purity, and efficiency is the treatment by using distilled clove leaves oil steam method with ratio between clove leaves oil and NaOH 10 % are 1: 3. isolating eugenol produced in yield 63.32 %, degree of purity 98.85 % effectively 97.91 %, refraction index 1.5391, density 1.0639 and solubility in alcohol 70 % is 1 : 2.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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