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Title: Perubahan persepsi siswa sekolah dasar terhadap Goa (analisis menggunakan draw- an- environment- test rubric)
Authors: Hidayati, Syafitri
Keywords: perception index
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Human perception started to develop and grow since childhood, which will guide them in future acts as shown through their behaviour. According to Piaget (1928), the capability of children to understand and think systematically with regard to abstract and hypothesis developed between the ages of 7-11 years old, that is from elementary school. Unlike adults who are able to express verbally of their perception, children are easier to express their perceptions through drawing. Cara untuk mengetahui persepsi adalah dengan mengukur model mental melalui gambar. The way to evaluate or measure personal mental model is by using images. Moseley and Desjean Perotta (2010) develop Draw- An- Environment- Test (DAET), that using to measure personal mental model about environment. The Draw- An- Environment- Test Rubric (DAET-R), which comprised of picture and definition. Picture represents the power of communication that explained and described the definition and its implication with act, psychological conditions, and also used to send the message or sense of life experience (Knight & Cunningham 2004), while definition completed the results of an image that has been produced. Perception is dynamic, hence it could be changed by some internal or external factors . This study measured three stages of perception taken from 45 elementary school students from three different schools, selected through purposive and quota samplings. The first perception or called the “early perception” was identified without any treatment. The second perception or called “perception in between” employed first treatment by providing additional knowledge through slide show with lecture method, continued by second treatment, i.e., visiting Godawang Cave which would produce the “end perception”. Based on DAET-R analysis, the result of the perceptions index of students on the cave ranges from low level to moderate (0.083 to 0, 750) where the average value was 0.433. The results of Kruskal Wallis and Mann Withney test showed significant difference based on school education system and students‟ interaction with the cave. Value of the perception index after giving the lecture using slides showed some insignificant increase. The average score on the perception index after providing additional information was 0.441. Based on t-student test, the changes that occurred after providing additional information did not affect the perceptions index. Significant effect (p<0.01) occurred after visiting Godawang Cave. This specified that the perception index of student increased when they were given a lecture and interaction with the object (cave). The average value of the perception index after the interaction was 0.483. This conclusion showed that direct interaction with the object in environment has significant role in education. Results of this study confirmed previous studies that involvements or direct interactions with environment have positive correlations with environmental attitude.
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