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dc.contributor.authorAsri, Mika
dc.description.abstractRafflesia micropylora Meijer is one of its protected plant species because of the scarcity and endemic in the Indonesian tropical rain forest. One of R. micropylora habitats found in Gunung Leuser National Park (GLNP), Aceh Tenggara, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), is especially under the pressure and threat of human activity. Therefore, the presence of R. micropylora in nature must be preserved. The objective of this study was to determine the condition of R. micropylora, habitat conditions and communities attitudes to the conservation of R. micropylora. The expected benefits as input in the conservation efforts for R. micropylora in Southeast Aceh NAD GLNP. The research was conducted in Block Gurah Ketambe GLNP serve from June to August 2010. The data was collected by using purposive sampling method with a single plot of 1 ha. The measurement of knob conditions, biotic and abiotic conditions, and communities attitudes were done in the block. The results showed that the condition of R. micropylora was found one knob. The condition of vegetation in Block Gurah Ketambe GLNP included lowland forest vegetation which was dominated by Parashorea parvifolia species of Dipterocarpaceae. Canopy strata were A, B, and C with the coverage of title at 55.15%. R. micropylora grown on the host species Tetrastigma lanceolarium. The existing animals in this study are orangutans, wild boar, Capricornis sumatraensis, deer, and sun bears. Abiotic (physical) conditions R. micropylora habitat located at an altitude of 510 m.dpl with slope 0-45°. Soil has a pH neutral to slightly alkali with a texture-sandy clay loam with reddish-brown color. Daily temperatures are 27-28°C with a humidity of 85-97%. Community attitudes toward forest areas was that 30 respondents were more familiar with and know the information about R. micropylora from media and discussion of other people. Communities will support the conservation of R. micropylora although some have a little appreciation and don’t really feel the presence of R. micropylora. The habitat of R. micropylora was disturbed by activities of the jungle in form of path tracking and animal observation point. Management activities of R. micropylora habitat was considered ineffective related to the encroachment of forests and cutting T. lanceolarium. The results mentioned above describe the condition of R. micropylora, which was in danger due to a variety of activities. The R. micropylora habitat was in the lowland forest vegetation types dominated by the species P. parvifolia. Public attitudes toward forests usually support the conservation of R. micropylora, it was necessary to give information to the communities so that they take care and monitor the population and R. micropylora habitat.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectRafflesia micropyloraen
dc.subjectcommunities attitudesen
dc.subjectsikap masyarakaten
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKondisi habitat dan sikap masyarakat terhadap konservasi Rafflesia micropylora Meijer di Taman Nasional Gunung Leuseren
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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