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dc.contributor.advisorWulandari, Zakiah
dc.contributor.advisorMaheswari, Rarah Ratih Adjie
dc.contributor.authorAnggraini, Sofi Mulya
dc.description.abstractEgg is one of food that was consumed as a main nutrient source for human body. High nutrition in egg is a medium for the growth and development of bacteria, whether the bacteria caused damage to the egg or health problems to humans who ate egg. The purpose of this research is to study honey addition effect to physical, chemical and microbiological properties of arabic chicken egg yolk and duck egg yolk on different age of egg. Egg yolk properties that were studied are consisted of physical (colour, viscosity and temperature), chemical (pH value, moisture content, protein content) and microbiological (TPC, Coliform, Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp.). The material used in this study were duck eggs and arabic chicken eggs ages 2, 5, and 8 days and also honey. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design Patterns Two-Way with factor A was the addition of honey treatment and factor B was the age of egg. Physical and chemical properties were analyzed by ANOVA, while microbiological properties were determined descriptively. Addition of honey could reduce the number of bacteria in egg yolk both from duck or arabic chicken. Microbiological properties of both egg yolk with or without the addition of honey were according to rules of microbes that stated in SNI 01-6366-2000.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKajian Sifat Fisik, Kimia Dan Mikrobiologi Kuning Telur Yang Ditambah Madu Dengan Jenis Dan Umur Telur Yang Berbedaen
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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