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dc.contributor.advisorFalah, Syamsul
dc.contributor.advisorSusilaningsih, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorDamianus, Marcel
dc.description.abstractJapanese encephalitis virus is an agent of encephalitis disease. Cellular target therapy is one of the ways to prevent japanese encephalitis virus which has been recently developed. Microalgae extract assesment is potential to inhibit japanese encephalitis virus through inhibition of NS3 helicase. Microalgae were taken from Batam, Pari, and Ciater. Each microalgae has been extracted by four solvents (methanol 80%, acetone 80%, hexane 80%, and etyl acetate 80%) to produce 101 extracts. The ATPase assay was used on inhibition activity of the extracts, whereas for the toxicity method done is Brine Shrimp Lethality Test. The results showed that five microalgae extracts have a high inhibition activity which are CTR 07-09 etyl acetate 80% (97,19331%), CTR 07-10 etyl acetate 80% (95,61652%), CTR 07-01 etyl acetate 80% (95,1661%), CTR 06-08 etyl acetate 80% (94,54431%), and CTR 07-07 etyl acetate 80% (94,22955%). Then the five of microalgae extracts were tested with the toxicity test to calculate LC50 value. Microalgae extract of CTR 06-08, CTR 07-09, and CTR 07-10 have a character of non-toxic, whereas microalgae extract of CTR 07-01 and CTR 07-07 have a character of toxic.en
dc.description.abstractVirus japanese encephalitis merupakan agen penyebab penyakit radang saraf pusat yang parah. Terapi target seluler merupakan salah satu cara penanggulangan penyakit virus japanese encephalitis yang sedang dikembangkan. Ekstrak mikroalga diduga memiliki kemampuan untuk menghambat virus japanese encephalitis melalui mekanisme penghambatan NS3 helikase. Isolat mikroalga yang digunakan berasal dari perairan Batam, Pari, dan Ciater. Masing-masing isolat diekstraksi dengan 4 pelarut (metanol 80%, aseton 80%, heksan 80%, dan etil asetat 80%) sehingga dihasilkan 101 isolat. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur nilai inhibisi adalah kolorimetri ATPase assay, sedangkan uji toksisitas dilakukan dengan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 5 ekstrak mikroalga yang memiliki aktivitas inhibisi tertinggi yaitu CTR 07-09 etil asetat 80% (97,19331%), CTR 07-10 etil asetat 80% (95,61652%), CTR 07-01 etil asetat 80% (95,1661%), CTR 06-08 etil asetat 80% (94,54431%), dan CTR 07-07 etil asetat 80% (94,22955%). Kelima ekstrak mikroalga tersebut kemudian diuji toksisitasnya untuk menghitung nilai LC50. Hasilnya adalah ekstrak mikroalga CTR 06-08, CTR 07-09, dan CTR 07-10 bersifat tidak toksik, sedangkan ekstrak mikroalga CTR 07-01 dan CTR 07-07 bersifat
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAktivitas ekstrak mikroalga sebagai Inhibitor RNA helikase virus japanese encephalitisid
dc.titleThe Activity of Microalgae Extract to RNA Helicase Inhibitor Japanese Encephalitis Virusen
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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