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Title: Lama pemberian ekstrak bawang putih Allium sativum yang optimum pada pakan untuk mencegah penyakit koi herpes virus pada ikan mas cyprinus carpio
Authors: Nuryati, Sri
Wahjuningrum, Dinamella
Keywords: Cyprinus carpio
Allium sativum
Koi Herpes Virus (KHV)
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: This experiment purposed to observe the optimum duration of the application of feed with garlic Allium sativum extract towards immunity of carp fish Cyprinus capio body that infected with Koi Herpes Virus. Experimental design was Complete Random Design that consist of 3 treatments and 3 replications that were : (K-) feed without garlic extract addition and injected with PBS 0,1 ml; (K+) feed with garlic extract addition and infected with KHV 0,1 ml; (A) feed with garlic extract addition (50 gram/kg feed) during 21 days and infected with 0,1 ml KHV; (B) feed with garlic extract addition (50 gram/kg feed) during 14 days and infected with 0,1 ml KHV; (C) feed with garlic extract addition (50 gram/kg feed) during 7 days and infected with 0,1 ml KHV. The result of this experiment showed the high value of survival rate that consist in negative control treatment, each of A and B treatment with value of 91,7% and 83,8% that significantly different with positive control treatment each with value 0%. It showed that time of garlic extract given on feed could affect the immunity of carp fish body toward KHV infection. The optimum result based on survival rate was obtained in garlic extract given during 21 days.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquaculture

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