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Title: Analisis penyelenggaraan makan di sekolah dan kualitas menu bagi siswa sekolah dasar di Bogor
Authors: Nurdiani, Reisi
Keywords: school foodservice
diet quality
healthy eating index(HEI)
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The quality of school foodservice in elementary school is a cruicial factor however the evaluation of school foodservice had not been done yet. The aims of this case study were to assess school foodservice in elementary school and diet quality of elementary school children. This research was carried out in January to August 2010. The survey was done in four elementary school in Bogor which represent of school with school foodservice (SPM) and school without foodservice (STPM). KEPMENKES Nomor 715/MENKES/SK/V/2003 was used to asses school foodservice was use and the principles of balanced nutrition (PUGS) was used to asses diet quality. This research showed that school foodservice has not complied the standard/requirement. Catering SPM 1 provided a menu with energy and protein contain more than 30% RDA, while Catering SPM 2 did not. HEI score of SPM group was 65, while HEI score of STPM was 55. Based on HEI score the diet quality of SPM and STPM need to be improved. Based on nutrient content, food diversity and portion of the menu provided by school caterers have not complied with the rules of a balanced diet. Nutritional status of SPM group were better than STPM group. The average score mid semester test of SPM group was significantly different than STPM group (p<0.05). There wasn’t significantly difference in attendance rates between the SPM and STPM group.
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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