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Title: Evaluasi ciri mekanis dan fisis biplastik dari campuran poli (asam laktat) dengan polisakarida
Authors: Paramawati, Raffi
Wijaya, C. Hanny
Achmadi, Suminar Setiati
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The study was aimed to evaluate physical and mechanical characteristics of blend of polylactic acid (PLA) and four types of polysaccharides, namely carrageenan, agar, tapioca, and garut starch. Agar and carrageenan showed their ability to blend well with the PLA at a temperature of approximately 60°C, which was easily observed. Film sheets that were casted manually with better properties needed additives of triethanolamine or oleic acid, in terms of tensile strength, elastic modulus, and percent elongation at break which were categorized as medium compared to other biodegradable plastics. Microstructure of the selected film revealed irregular formation of surface or amorphous, indicating that these films cannot be stored for a long period of time.
Appears in Collections:Agroindustrial Technology

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