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Title: The nutrient and steroid content of some deep sea fish species from west sumatera ocean
Other Titles: Prosiding Konferensi Sains Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia I
Authors: Suseno, Sugeng Heri
Sunian, Ali
Damayanti, Arin
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The Purpose o f this research is to observe ihe content of nutrient and steroid of some deep sea fish from west Sumatera ocean. The result of the research shows that I I kinds of deep sea fish such as: Dietmoides pauciradiotus. Benthodesmus tenuis, Beryx splendent, Haplasthehus Crauaipinus, Hoplothetsus sp, Ophidridae, Osiracoberyu dorygae, Godamus colit'd'ds. Hyteroglype japonica contain protein 23,0-24,8 %, fat 1,9-4,1%, carbohydrate 0-1,75 %, ash 1,7-2,4%, water 70.1-72,1 %. In amino acid test, it can be identified 17 amino acid (9 essential amino acid and 8 non essential amino acid) Meanwhile in steroid test using Libermann Burchad, it can be identified kinds of deep sea fish containing steroid and the greatest conccntratton is in Dietmoides pauciradiatus, Benthndesmus tenuis,Beryx splendens, Haplusthethus craaaipinus.
Appears in Collections:Marine Science And Technology

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