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Title: Optimalisasi konsentrasi kuning telur pada proses pembekuan semen domba garut (Ovis Aries)
Authors: Herdis
Toelihere, MR
Supriatna, Iman
Purwantara, B.
Adikara, R. Tatang Santanu
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Egg volk contain lecithin unci lipoprotein which protected spermatozoa during freezing process semen. The Research »as done to observe influence of egg volk (lose in the semen extender on the quality of garut rams frozen semen Semen was collected once a week using artificial vagina from six mature garut rams. The result indicated that qualiiy of frozen semen in die semen extender with egg volk dose 20% higher than close 10%. The percentages of plasma membrane intact in the semen extender with egg yolk dose 20% (55.1 = 69% 2.6%). In conclusion the semen extender with egg yolk dose 20% is optimal dose to improve the quality of frozen semen of garut rams.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Veterinary

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