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Title: Perakitan Kultivar Unggul Jagung Toleran Kemasaman dari Muatan Radiasi Sinar Gama dan Varian Somaklon (Development of Superior and Acid Tolerance Maize Cultivar Selected from Gamma Irradiation Mutant and Somaclon Variant)
Other Titles: Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian IPB 2009 Buku 5 Bidang Teknologi dan Rekayasa Pangan
Authors: Sutjahjo, Sujono H.
Sukma, Dewi
Keywords: Mutation, maize, acidic tolerance.
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Until recently, national production of maize has yet to fulfill the domestic needs so that Indonesia has to import a large number of maize annually. In order to be a self producing country in the future, crop productivity has to be increased and utilization of marginal land has to be promoted. The objective of the research was to develop superior and acid tolerance maize cultivars. In the year I, the research was aimed at mutation induction through gamma irradiation and somaclon variant to increase genetic variance of germplasm. The result was M2 generation seeds of 275 Gy gamma irradiation mutant which had higher variance than the parent population and an article published on an accredited journal. In the year II, the research was focused on in vitro selection and field selection on the second generation mutants toward acid tolerance in an acidic soil, and development and acidic soil field selection of 3 rd generation mutant. The result was the M3 acid tolerant generation and an article published on an accredited journal about in vitro selection. In the year III, the research was intended to develop M4 generation mutants, to do morphological and molecular identification, to develop hybrids through dialel cross and analyze their combining ability. The result showed that hybrid cross of G3 X G8 dan G8 X GI were the most vigorous hybrid in an acidic soil of Red Yellow Podsolic of Jasinga and Leuwikpo.
Appears in Collections:Proceedings

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