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Title: Formulasi Kebijakan Fiskal Hijau: Mengintegrasikan Nilai Ekonomi Jasa Lingkungan Hutan Dalam Neraca Pembangunan (Formulation of Green Fiscal Policy: Integrating the economic value of forest's environmental services in the national income account)
Authors: Nurrochmat, Dodik Ridho
Solihin, Iin
Ekayani, Meti
Hadianto, Adi
Keywords: Income accounting, green GDP, hydrological function of forest, carbon sinker.
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Formulation's method of green GDP that is often used nowadays contains a fundamental weakness, where it considers only on disincentive side, i.e. depletion and degradation. By using this method, the value of green GDP will never exceed conventional GDP. Therefore, the weakness of formulation's method of green GDP has to be corrected by accompanying incentive side of environmental services. By considering incentive factors, the value of green GDP in certain region or country who manage its natural resources properly will be higher than the conventional one. Green GDPYs value in forestry sector is estimated to increase until 24 times if the calculation involves indirect-used value of the hydrological function of forests (conserving water & soil and preserving fiom flood). Meanwhile, the value of green GDP in forestry sector will increase only 2-25% by adopting scheme of carbon sinker as part of forest environmental services. In macro level, by accompanying all environmental services given by forests, the value of green GDP is estimated to be higher than conventional GDP. To assure sustainable development, green GDP has to be adopted as satellite account of the conventional GDP.
Appears in Collections:Proceedings

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