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Title: Analisis wilayah pengembangan komoditas peternakan di Provinsi Riau
Authors: Yuhendra
Keywords: Regional planning,
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Pembangunan wilayah tidak terlepas dari hubungan antar wilayah dan antar sektor. Pengembangan pendekatan pembangunan sektoral yang berdimensi wilayah merupakan sebuah langkah inovatif. Contoh aktual yang sekarang sedang berjalan adalah di bidang sub sektor peternakan. Pengembangan komoditas peternakan di Provinsi Riau diharapkan dapat mengurangi kecenderungan terjadinya ketimpangan produksi dan pasar. Beragamnya pola interakasi antar wilayah pemasaran komoditas peternakan ini secara ekonomi sebenarnya mampu meningkatkan nilai tambah komoditas tetapi karena pola tersebut tidak teridentifikasi maka akan menyulitkan dalam pengembangan komoditas peternakan.
The development of livestock potential is expected to reduce of production and market unbalances. Knowing patterns of marketing of livestock commodities inter-regions may increase some added value of commodities. The purposes this research are: 1) to analyze the potential of livestock commodities in the public lands in Riau province, 2) to analyze flow of livestock commodities marketing inter-region in Riau Province, 3) to analyze trade order (price, marketing margins, and institutional) of livestock commodities in Riau Province, 4) to arrange direction of livestock commodities development based marketing potential, 5) to arrangement livestock development strategy Riau Province. Analysis for regional carrying capacity was based on the availability of forage; analysis for marketing flow of livestock commodities used the gravity model analysis and entropy interaction model with doubly constrained; analysis of trading system employed margin trading system analysis; hierarchy analysis used scalogram method; and spatial analysis used geographic information system applications.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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