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Title: Evaluasi Ketenggangan Galur Padi Gogo Terhadap Cekaman Alumunium dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Hara Kalium
Other Titles: Buletin Agronomi Vol.30 No.2 Th.2002
Authors: Wirnas, Desta
Makmur, Amris
Sopandie, Didy
Aswidinnoor, Hajrial
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Series/Report no.: Vol.30;No.2
Abstract: A study was conducted to reevaluate I5 upland lines previously selected in aJield experiment and nutrient culture experiment for tolerance to aluminum toxicity and potassizrm eflciency in the plastic house of Center for Crop I~~~proventSetnutd ies, Tajur, Bogor. The experiment was conducted in pot culture using Red Yellow Podzolic soil from Jasinga, Bogor. Two levels ofA1 stress (no A1 stress and A1 stress with pH 4.8, A1 saturation 80%, and exchangeable A1 16.6 ntJlOO R) and two levels ofpotassium fertilizer (6 kg K20/ha and 60 K20/ha) were applied. The study showed that the upland rice lines performed poorer under AI-stress condition compared to under non stress condition in plant height ut, total number of tiller, number of productive tiller, length of spikelet and grain weighdpot. The perfortnance of the upland rice lines was also sign flcantly d~gerentu nder d~flerenlte vel of potassium fertilizer in total number qf tiller and number of productive tiller. Lines that showed signifcant diflerence in its performance under Alstress and non stress condition were considered as tolerant lines. The result showed that Lalantik Bamban, Sigundil, CT6510-24-3-1, Ha~vara Bunar, Ketombol, and Grog01 were class fled as Al-tolerant and K-eflcient lines.
Appears in Collections:Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy)

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