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Title: Pengaruh Jenis Larutan Perendam serta Metode Pengeringan terhadap Sifat Fisik, Kimia, dan Fungsional Gelatin dari Kulit Cucut
Other Titles: jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol.XIV No.1 Th.2003
Authors: Astawan, Made
Aviana, Tita
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Series/Report no.: Vol. XIV;No.1
Abstract: Gelatin is a denaturation product of collagen and has been wide Utilized for foods. photqraphy uses, medical materials, and culture material for microorganisms. Recently, gelatin's uses has expanded to new properties such as heath hods. Gelatin of land animal origin such as bovine and porcine has been mainly used. However, gelatin with new properties desired to develop expended applications. In this research gelatin was made from shark skin. The shark skin collagen was distented by acetic acid solution (acid process) and sodium hydroxide solution (akali process) and gelatin was then extracted at 80C of water. The extracted gelatin was dried by vacuum drying and freeze drying to obtain powder product. Shark gelatin produced by the combination of akali and vacuum drying process (OVB gelatin) had better qualities on yield, water content, gel strenght, melting point, and emulsion stability as compared to the others. Sensory evaluation indicated that shark gelatin had lower values in color, odor, and performance as compared to the commercial gelatin of fish, pig and bovine (GKW Biosystem). However, as compared to the commercial gelatins. OVB gelatin had a similar values on gel strenght (202 bloom) and emulsion stability (100%), but higher values on vascosity (8 cP) and pH (9.3). Those values indicated that 9 skin gelatin can be used to substitute the commmercial gelatin in some food industries
Appears in Collections:Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan

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