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dc.contributor.authorAstari, Lita Dwi
dc.contributor.authorNasoetion, Amini
dc.contributor.authorDwiriani, Cesilia Meti
dc.description.abstractThis research was aimed to determine factors influencing child rearing pattern and stunting of child 6-12 months. Lenght of infants aged 6-12 months was measured at base line and the sample was divided into 2 groups; group of stunting and non stunting infants. Sample size was 140 infants consisted of 70 stunting and 70 non-stunting infants. Characteristic of family and infants, as well as child rearing pattern were also assessed. The results of the study showed that parent educational level, family income and child rearing pattern of non-stunting infants group were better (p<0.05) than the stunting infant group. Stunting was significantly (p<0.05) influenced the pattern of childfeeding with low quantity and quality of feeding and sanitation practice with high susceptibility of infection. Parent educational level and family income were potential factors influenced child rearing
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleHubungan Karakteristik Keluarga, Pola Pengasuhan dan Kejadian Stunting Anak Usia 6-12 Bulanid
dc.title.alternativeMedia Gizi & Keluarga, Desember 2005, Vol.29 No.2id
Appears in Collections:Media Gizi dan Keluarga

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