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Title: Pengembangan perikanan ikan terbang (Cypselurus spp) di Sulawesi Selatan
Development of Fisheries Flying Fish (Cypselurus spp) on South Sulawesi
Authors: Haluan, John
Manurung, Djisman
Fauzi, Akhmad
Pane, Anwar Bey
Monintja, Daniel R.
Sihotang, Syafruddin
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Flying Fish ( Cypselurus sp ) is obsewed by four aspects . Those are Biological , Technological , Social , and Economical asp& . The fisherman caught the fish roe of flying fish using Pakkaja during 1968 until 1979 .Japan has been the lead to import fish roe of flying fish from Indonesia, exactly, South Sulawesi. The spawning gmund on Flores Sea and Makassar has been intensify exploited, the fish roe of flying fish there , are captured using Pakkaja and Bale-Bale . But since 1980, Fishermen has been using Bale-Bale more than Pakkaja , thus the using of pakkafi become only about 1 % of total ways to capture the fish roe.
Appears in Collections:DT - Fisheries

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