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Title: Strategi Penguatan Kapasitas Kelompok mantan Tenaga Kerja Wanita luar negeri (Studi Kasus di Desa Cibaregbeg Kecamatan Cibeber Kabupaten Cianjur)
A strategy to strengthen the capacity of ex woman worker which are work abroad (Case study in Cibaregbeg village
Authors: Kolopaking, Lala M.
Prasodjo, Nuraini W.
Fitri, Aidil
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Pola pendekatan pemberdayaan masyarakat sekarang ini banyak dilakukan melalui kelompok. Mereka diorganisir dalam satu wadah dan dimultifungsikan menjadi media pembelajaran anggota sekaligus proses tukar menukar informasi, pengetahuan, dan sikap. Secara perlahan kekuatan individu akan muncul menjadi kekuatan kelompok. Namun dalam beberapa kasus tidak sedikit kelompok yang telah dibentuk mengalami masalah dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya. Hal ini disebabkan kelompok masih dipandang sebagai sekumpulan orang – orang yang lemah, pasif, dan tidak mempunyai pengetahuan. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan biasanya kelompok seperti ini akan selalu berkonsultasi dengan pendamping kelompok dan bersifat menunggu perintah. Akibatnya bukan keberdayaan dan kekuatan kelompok yang dihasilkan, melainkan ketergantungan kelompok kepada pendamping kelompok yang semakin besar.
Now days many study use pattern of Society Empowerment Approach through group. They are organized in one place and become multifunction things which are used as a media to study and also as media to exchange the information, knowledge, and attitude. Slowly individual power will be appeared as group power. In the other cases there so many group which is created but facing the problem in their activity. This is caused by a group just seen as a group of weak, passive, and unknown people. The result is not the power and strength of the group which is produced but the addiction of the group and the need for the assistant will bigger and bigger. Strategy to increase the group capacity is an effort to give the skill to the group to gain the main goal of the group which is woman empowerment especially for ex worker (TKW) through the group. According to that statement, the aim of strengthen group capacity strategy is as well planed process to strengthen and develop the group. This study’s aims are: (1) to explain group of ex woman worker abroad (TKW) capacity in Cibaregbeg village; (2) to identify what is the factor which is affect group capacity; (3) to puzzle capacity strengthening strategy and program for ex woman worker abroad group in CIbaregbeg village. The Method which is used in this study is qualitative in the form of case study. Data collecting technique which is used is documentation study, field observation, deep interview, and use Focus Group Discussion (FGD).
Appears in Collections:MT - Professional Master

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