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Title: Evaluasi serat dan suplementasi zink dalam ransum berbahan hasil samping industry pertanian pada ternak ruminansia
Evaluation of Fiber Level and Zinc Supplementation in Agroindustrial-byproduct Based Diet on Ruminants
Authors: Pangestu, Eko
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Fiber and Z n h ave i rn portant roles i n ruminal a nd tissue metabolism. A serie of experiments were conducted to study the effect of fiber level and zinc supplementation in agroindustrial byproduct based diet in performance of ruminants. Three experiments were conducted. The first experiment was conducted to evaluate ruminal degradation and Zn solubility of agroindustrial byproduct and napier grass (Pennisetum purpumum). Two rumen fistulated sheep were used in the first study. The second experiment was to evaluate feed utilization of agroindustrial byproduct. Twenty one sheep were divided into 7 dietary treatments, namely Rg: napier grass (ng); Rd: 40% ng + 60% ricebran; Ro: 40% ng + 60% cassava byproduct; Rp: 40% ng + 60% pollard; Rdk: 40% ng + 48% ricebran + 12% coconut meal; Rds: 40% ng + 48% ricebran + 12% palm kernel cake and Rdd: 40% ng + 48% ricebran + 12% soybean meal. In the third experiment, 12 sheep were used to determine the effect of fiber and Zn level on animal performance. The sheep were allocated into a 2x2 factorial arrangement. The first factor was fiber level with 2 level (50 and 56%). The second factors was Zn levels (supplemented and did not supplemented). The result of the first experiment showed that effective degradation (ED) of DM, fiber and Zn solubilization of evaluated feed significantly different (p < 0.05). ED of DM and fiber of pollard > cassava byproduct > soybean meal > coconut meal > rice bran > palm kernel cake > napier grass, and Zn solubility of pollard > napier grass > palm kernel cake > ricebran > soybean meal > coconut meal > cassava byproduct. In the second experiment DM, CP, TDN, ADF and Zn intake significantly different (p c 0,05) among dietary treatments. DM digestibility was not affected by dietary trearnent, likewise feed efficiency. ADF digestibility, Zn serum and daily gain were affected by dietary treatment. In the third experiment, dietary treatment did not affect DM intake and titer antibody, but Zn intake, Zn serum and blood traits were affected by treatment. Gain dan energy convertion tended to be affected by treament.
Appears in Collections:DT - Animal Science

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