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Title: Insecticidal activity of rocaglamide and immunity inhibition of Crocidolomia pavovana (F.) to Eriborus argenteopilosus (Cameron).
Aktivitas insektisida rokaglamida dan penghambatan respons imunitas larva Crocidolomia pavonana (F.) terhadap parasitoid Eriborus argenteopilosus (Cameron)
Authors: Dono, Danar
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Rmglmide, the principal active constituent: of Agiaia &rat& (Meliame) e x w s showed strung activity against some insect species. RacagImide and its derivatives were re@ to inhibit growth, prolifcmtion of as well as cytotoxic to certain weer cells. Same n>colglamide derivatives inhibit protein synthesis in cultured cells. Although rocaglrunidc has been tested on some insect pests species, its effects on pest natural enernits d host-pamitoid interaction have never ken reported. Fiefd and Iabmtory studies were canduekd to evaluate the potency of rocaglamide against second instar Ime of Crmidolomia p a w r m and its toxicity to the female adults of fiiborus argentt.opiIosus pmsitoid. The effects of mgfmide on pzuttsitization, defense reaction of C. pmtonana toward E. argenteopilosusus, and its effect an foraging behavior of E. argenteopilosus female were studied, The phytotoxicity of mag1sunide and active fractions of A. odorata twig extract on brocwIi and s o y b was also studied. Field experiment was conducted to evduab wmpatibiiity of A, odoruta extmct and E argenteopilostcs to suppress population of C, pwonann. Leaf-midual bioassay showed that rocaglmide posse& strong insecticidal activity on samd instar fmae of C. pavamna, with LC% and LGs to the mortality of 2-t-3-M instar larvae were 23.39 ppm and 69.24 ppm, mspectivety. Rwtglmide tmhent at 10-80 ppm h m the &velapent time of C. pauonana h m the second to Efte foud~ instar lame as long as 2.25-3.67 days compared with control. Roc8glamide at the highest concentration (300 ppm) by topical appfication (I ~f/hmtw)a s relatively nontoxic to the. female E. argenfeopiIosus. Rocaglmide at 300 ppm did not influence khavior of adult fmak of E, argen~eopilostcsi n finding host plant, host larvae, and hast itfiandfing. Rocaglmide treatment at cuncentmtions of 14,W (LC=), 23,39 (LCso), and 33,06 ppm fiC70) did not reduce parasitization rate, but could suppress encapsulation rate of pamitoid eggs and larvae. 'The mtment of r0~8ghidere duced btaf tremwyte counts, hemalymph protein content, and altered the profile of hernolymph protein of the fourth instar larvae of C. p a y o m , and this may explain the reduced capacity of C. pcrvonana larvae to mcapsulate the parasitoid eggs and larvae. Rocaglmide at: 300 ppm was not pfryttoxic effect to b m f i and s o y h leaves. On the: wntmy, ethyl acetate fraction from partition with cwnter-cumnt dimibution and dicthomethane, dichlammethane-isopmphanol fractions from vacuum liquid chromatogtapfry at a concentration of 0.42% showed strong phytotuxic on broccoli and s o y h leaves. Field evaluation showed that ap f i d a n of 0.14% and 0.28Y0 A. odorura extract was effective enough to suppress the population of C. puvom Iamae, but did not influence its eggs as well as its parasitoid, E. argenteopilosw. Because of the phytotoxicity of active fractions of A. udorutu extract, the use of this extract in crop pest cunml must be evaluated thoraughly. Resulb of this research show that rocaglmide has potency to increase the probability of parasitoid survival, so that: racaglmide has a gad potentiat ta be combined with biological control by using parasitoid in cabbage pest management system,
Roklagamida, senyawa aktif utama tumbuhan Aglania odorata (Melliaceae), menunjukan aktivitas insektisida yang kuat terhadap beberapa spesies serangga. Roklagamida dan turunannya dilaporkan menghambat pertumbuhan, proliferasi, dan sitotoksik terhadap sel kanker tertentu. Beberapa turunan roklagamida menghambat sintesis protein pada biakan sel.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture

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