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Title: Dampak industrialisasi pertanian terhadap kinerja sektor pertanian dan kemiskinan perdesaan di Indonesia
Other Titles: The impact of agricultural industrialization to agricutural sector performance and rural poverty in Indonesia
Authors: Tambunan, Mangara
Oktaviani, Rina
Siregar, Hermanto
Haryono, Dwi
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Industrialisasi pertanian dapat ditempuh melalui dua pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan dari sisi penawaran (supply) dan dari sisi permintaan (demand). Dari sisi penwaran, industrialisasi pertanian dapat dilakukan melalui peningkatan produktivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak peningkatan produktivitas industri pertanian (agroindustri) terhadap kinerja ekonomi sektoral, ekonomi makro, pendapatan rumahtangga dan kemiskinan perdesaan. Dampak yang sama juga dianalisis jika peningkatan produktivitas agroindustri diikuti oleh peningkatan produktivitas sektor pertanian dan lembaga keuangan.
Agricultural industrialization can be aproached through supply side and demand side. From supply side, agricultu ral industrialization is interpreted through incremental productivity. This research is designed to measure the impact of productivity improvement of agricultural industry (agroindustry) on economic sector performance, macroeconomic, household income, and rural poverty. This research use a data base on Input-Output (I-O) Table and Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of Indonesi a 2003 developed by Central Bureau of Statistic. The main analysis used is recursive dynamic of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model (CGE-AGRINDO Model) while poverty case is analyzed by using Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) poverty index. The policy simulation result shows that productivity improvement of agroindustry has strong affects on total output industry. If the productivity improvement of agroindustry is followed by productivity improvement of agriculture and financial institution, almost all sectors would increase in total output. In turn, the increase of total outp ut will result in a decrease in output selling price, on the other hand it will increase labor absorbtion. The productivity improvement affects the macroeconomic performance which indicated by real GDP improvement. This condition also affects the increasing in inflation acceleration. The productivity improvement contributes to an impact on rural and urban household’s income. The household of agricultural labor on rural area receives the biggest benefit, on the contrary the househod of nonagricultural labor at upper level on urban area receives the smallest benefit.
Appears in Collections:DT - Economic and Management

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