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Title: Kajian Dinamika Spatio-Temporal Komunitas Gulma di Lanskap Persawahan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Ciliwung-Cisadane
Study on spatio-temporal dynamics of weed communities in rice field landscape of Ciliwung-Cisadane watershed
Authors: Chozin, Muhamad Achmad
Arifin, Hadi Susilo
Tjitrosemito, Soekisman
Gandasasmita, Komarsa
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Lanskap persawahan di kawasan DAS Ciliwung-Cisadane terdistribusi dari dataran rendah (di bagian hilir) hingga dataran tinggi (di bagian hulu). Kondisi lanskap persawahan di dataran rendah secara gradual menunjukkan perbedaan dengan di dataran tinggi. Pada kondisi biofisik yang berbeda maka komunitas gulma yang tumbuh di lanskap persawahan juga berbeda. Masalah gulma selalu muncul sebagai bagian yang harus dihadapi dalam budidaya padi sawah. Infestasi gulma menimbulkan persaingan yang merugikan, sehingga pengendalian gulma perlu dilakukan. Dalam rangka menyusun strategi pengendalian gulma yang tepat, maka pengetahuan tentang komunitas gulma sangat diperlukan. Namun dewasa ini strategi pengendalian gulma yang disusun berdasarkan pengetahuan hasil analisis vegetasi dirasa masih sering kurang tepat. Hal ini karena analisis vegetasi belum cukup memberikan informasi mengenai perubahan komunitas gulma antar waktu dan distribusinya antar lokasi serta faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh di dalam suatu wilayah yang kondisi biofisiknya beragam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Menganalisis pola distribusi lahan sawah di kawasan DAS Ciliwung- Cisadane, (2) Menganalisis komposisi komunitas gulma dan jenis gulma dominan, serta variasinya antar musim/stadium pertumbuhan tanaman padi sawah, (3) Menganalisis distribusi jenis gulma dominan dan tingkat infestasi gulma, serta perubahannya antar musim/stadium pertumbuhan tanaman padi sawah, (4) Menganalisis hubungan antar faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam infestasi gulma, produksi, dan efisiensi usahatani padi sawah, dan (5) Memformulasikan model pendugaan pengaruh faktor-faktor lingkungan fisik, praktik budidaya, serta sosial-ekonomi dan aksesibilitas terhadap tingkat infestasi gulma, produksi, dan efisiensi usahatani padi sawah.
The distribution of rice field landscape of Ciliwung-Cisadane Watershed through from lowland (in the down stream) until highland (in the upper stream). Gradually, the condition of rice field landscape in the lowland di fferent with in the highland. The differences of biophysical condition come to differ of weed composition growing. Weed problem always present as part of rice cultivation. Weed infestation cause to injury competition, so weed control is a necessity. Up to now, the planning of weed control strategy based on vegetation analysis are valued still often not too exactly. This is caused vegetation analysis no give enough information about the changing of weed communities of different time and its distribution of various locations as well as the influential factors in a regional scale with vries biophysical conditions. The objectives of this research were (1) to analyze the pattern of rice field distribution in Ciliwung-Cisadane Watershed, (2) to analyze the composition of weed community and dominant weed species along with their variation through season/stage of rice crop growth, (3) to analyze the distribution of weed dominan species and weed infestation level together with their changing through season/stage of rice crop growth, (4) to analyze the correlation among factors which were influential of weed infestation, rice production, and efficiency of rice farming, and (5) to formulate the supposition models the effect of physical environments, cultivation practices, socio-economics and accessibilities to weed infestation level, rice production, and efficiency of rice farming.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture

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