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dc.contributor.authorSusanto, Slamet
dc.contributor.authorSabrina, Dina
dc.contributor.authorSukma, Dewi
dc.descriptionBogor, 1-2 Agustus 2007. Dalam Rangka Purnabakti Prof. Jajah Koswara. Kerjasama: Fakultas Pertanian IPB, Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi Depdiknas, Pusat Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman Deptan.
dc.description.abstractThe aim ofthis research was to study quality change and shelf life of banana fruit harvested from different maturity stages and storaged under two storage methods. The research was conducted from November 2002 to March 2003 at ROCI and TPPHP Laboratories, Bogor Agricultural University. The research was arranged in a randomized complete design with two factors. First factor was maturity stages (60 ± 2, 75 ± 2 and 90 ± 2 days after flowering) and second factor was methods of storage (room and cold temperatures). The result showed that maturity stages and storage methods significantly affected quality of banana fruit. Respiration of banana fruit harvested at 3 different maturation stages increased significantly during ripening period. Fruit at maturity stages of 60 ± 2 and 75 ± 2 days had better shelf-life than the 90 ± 2 days, however fruit quality of 60 ± 2 days was the lowest. Fruit storaged at cold temperature had better physical as well as chemical quality, lower respiration rate and longer shelf-life than those subjected to the room temperature. Fruit at maturity stage of 75 ± 2 days and storaged at cold temperature had best quality than the
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEvaluasi Kualitas Buah Pisang Ambon pada Tingkat Kematangan yang Berbeda selama Penyimpananid
dc.title.alternativeProsiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian yang dibiayai oleh Hibah Kompetitif (Peningkatan Perolehan HAKI dari Hasil Penelitian yang dibiayai oleh Hibah Bersaing)
Appears in Collections:Agronomy and Horticulture

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