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Title: Perencanaan lanskap koridor sungai Cisadane sebagai objek wisata ilmiah Kotamadya Bogor
Authors: Sari, Dewi Rosita
Munandar, Aris
Pramukanto, Qodarian
Keywords: river corridor
landscape planning
scientific tourism
cultuvated zone
conservation zone
recreation zone
scenic potential zone
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Bul. Lanskap Taman Ind. 1(3): 1-4
Citation: Sari, R.S., A.Munandar dan Q. Pramukanto. 2005. Perencanaan lanskap koridor sungai CiSadane sebagai objek wisata ilmiah kotamadya Bogor. Bul. Lanskap Taman Ind. 1(3): 1-4
Abstract: River is one component which is responsible in shapping our landscape. It contribute to the human life. Historically, river is important site in early human civilization. As scientific research center. Bogor ha potential to develop scientific tourism program. River is one of potential resource to support scientific tourism.The objective of reserach is to develop landscape planning of CiSadane River Corridor as scientific tourism site base on river carrying capacity, biotic conservation, soil and water conservation consideration.
Appears in Collections:Landscape Architecture

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