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Title: Pemekatan Sirup Glukosa dengan Proses Mikrofiltrasi Crossflow
Other Titles: Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol.12 No.1
Authors: Noor, Erliza
Kusumawardhani, Greiche D.
Issue Date: 1992
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Series/Report no.: Vol.12 No.1
Abstract: The production of glucose syrup involws several steps of operation i.e. the dilution of taproca jlour. cooking, neutralization, bleaching, fittmtion and evaporation. Among the operations, the evaporation process should be done carefully as il may cause b m i n g and less quality product. ?'he aim of this work was to look for art alternative way in concentraling gluc~ses yrup by wirrg tnembmne prscas. nte process wcls carried by a crossflow microfiltraiion equipped with a 0.2 pin polpther s u lm~&w . B ~ lphh ysical and chemical fitors wred etermined in order to gain maximum glucose syrup concentration. The qwwwn abow 1.44 atm Md crossflow velocity of 1. IS m/s gave the highest flux. The flux was not influenced by concentration above the concentmtion of 550 g/L The increased solution concetitration obtained wing these parameters was I% in Ihe single pass opera~ionT. herefore, to achiew similar concentration ajier evaporation process (935 g/L). its requires recycling ofsolution by crossflow microfitration 52 times.
Appears in Collections:Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian

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