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Title: Pengaruh Diet Kacang Merah terhadap Kadar Gula Darah Tikus Diabetik Induksi Alloxan
Authors: Marsono, Y.
Noor, Zuheid
Rahmawati, Fitri
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Hypo&emic response of red bean were evduated in elioxan-induced diW rats. The Wttive of this research was to evaluate the e M of red bean (Wgna umbellata) diet compam wifh soy bean diet on bhrod glucose concentmtfon in alloxwt-hduced diabetic r& Thi* mde Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (250-300 c j were diabetic induced by aUoxan injedh (80 mg%g of body wesght by infra muscular i n j d n ) . They were divided into three group of ten rafs. They were fed (1) Standard diet (STD), (2) Red bean diet (KM), and (3) Soy bean diet fw 28 days. CmenfraUon of sewm @case were determM before inj?&m (0 dtiyj.a#er inledion (day 1 Fh) g(id every sweek during diet intervention (dgr 24,31,38 and 4 9 ) M was fOund thal dloxan injection increased serum glucose concentration of STD, KM. and KD refs. Affer 28 days intervention, mi bean decreased the serum glucose concentration from 217, 87 mddL to 57,70 mddL (69 %) in KM gmps End h m 218,94 mg'& to 76'82 mgdL (65 %) in KD groups, M standard diet (STi were decreased less than bdh of KM andKD diet.
Appears in Collections:Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan

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