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Title: Analisis Sifat Reologi Gelatin dari Kulit Ikan Cucut
Other Titles: Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol.XIII, No.1, Th.2002
Authors: Astawan, Made
Hariyadi, Purwiyatno
Mulyani, Ani
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Series/Report no.: Vol.XIII, No.1
Abstract: Gelatin was made by hydro/izing shark skin with acetic acid solution (type A gelatin) and sodium hydroxide sO/liion (type B gelatin). The gelatin was extracted t;om the collagen in water at 8(}Oe for two hours and dried by vacuum oven to obtain gelatin powder. Rheological properties of shBlk skin gelatin wem examined during so/ and gel formation. Gelatin gel strength (measured as bloom), viscosly of gelBIin sols, syneresis snd decle8se of hiflmess of gel form wem measured and comp8led with the commetcfal gelatin (pork, beef WId fish gelatin). The dependence of type A gelatin gel strength upon the gel concentration, pH, NaGl snd sucrose wem simHar to those of the type B gelatin. The type 8 gelatin gel stTel/fih was similar to the commercial gelatin, i.e. 200 bloom. Shark skin gelatin showed higher viscosity WId syneteSis rate than that the commercial one. That fact extends the possible chaises of shark skin gelatin for many snd varied applications.
Appears in Collections:Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan

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