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Title: Karakterisasi maltodekstrin DP 3-9 serta Kajian Potensi Penggunaannya Sumber Karbohidrat pada Minuman Olahraga
Other Titles: Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol.XIV No.1
Authors: Hidayat, Beni
Ahza, Adil Basuki
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Series/Report no.: Vol.XIV No.1
Abstract: This research was ehned & cherecterRation of meRodexfrin DP 3-9 (produced by enzymdic hyddysis and membrane s e p c u ~ process) as campared to commercia/ meltodeMn and glucose and assessment of its potentid typkatjon es c-e source in sport drink. The mearch showed that apphc&ion of m1- DP 3-9 had some advantages es compmd to @case wjH, regard to absqtbn rate that was 2 times long~ar(6 0 minutes instead of 30 mWes), mmolali& depe that was 5,6 hasl ower (17 8 mQsmdrkg as mpmd to 1000 rnOsm&gj, and relative sweetness degm that was 10 - 11 times lower (6,157,20 as comm to 57,OO-61,00). However, Me app/icatmn of rndfodekstn'n DP 3-9 had IimitatIon which was shown by its viscosty characteristic that was 5,70 - 6,20% higher (1,29 cSt and 1,37 oSt as campmd to ?,22 cSt and 1,29 cSt). When compared to commen:idm&odextiin, mattodextrin DP 3-9 is fevosgble as carbohydrde source in sport dtink based on 8s abmption refe that was more fhm 2 times Mer (60 minutes as compad to mote than 120 minutes) and storage stabrkity d I P ) @ # & ~ temperature (which was more than 8 weeks. with or without stetilizdion; with stenenkation).
Appears in Collections:Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan

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