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Title: Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula pada Bambu di Kebun Raya Bogor
Other Titles: Jurnal hayati, Desember 1995, Vol. 2 No. 2
Authors: Setya, Ardiana Prima
Gunawan, Agustin Wydia
Kramadibrata, Kartini
Issue Date: 1995
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: rbhospbecea of tweaty b b e o 6peek caltivated in Bqpr Botuir Gudcns were found r gcem of arbuscahr myoorrbizal (AM) fungi (condPtad of @uc spaeks of Acdtaqmq oae species of Gigaspom, thee speck d G b ,an d two species of S c u l e ~a)sso chted wifb *teen speck of bamboo. TBe perren'tige' of AM fungi fobnierrtiorr t bamboo rods was aIso crrlculated. As far as we how, tbhs Is the &st rqxui of arbmscahr ryewrkhl hngi fern bamboo rbizospbere in Indosesia.
ISSN: 0854-8587
Appears in Collections:Hayati Journal of Biosciences

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