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Title: Pembagian Kerja dan Alokasi Waktu Pencaharian Nafkah pada Rumah Tangga Pengambil Rumput Laut Alam di Kecamatan Cikelet, Kabupaten Garut
Other Titles: Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan No. 2 Tahun ke 2, Tahun I996
Authors: Sobari, Moch. Prihatna
Fachrudin, A.
Sujana, A.
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Series/Report no.: No. 2 Tahun ke 2
Abstract: Collecting seaweed was done not only by fisherman households but also by farmer household and plant labour households. This fenomena indicate that household allocated their family members for different kind of work increase household income. Household leader seems spend much time than members which indicate the role of leader in every household. Rate of participation decrease from adult to tecnager and from man to women. Farmer household has higher duration time than fisheries household. Duration time of all households still quite low.
ISSN: 0854-5804
Appears in Collections:Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan

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