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Title: The Potency of Glodog China Town Historical Landscape for Tourism Development
Authors: Arifin, Nurhayati Hadi Susilo
Pramukanto, Qodarian
Keywords: China town
historical landscape
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Arifin, N.H.S., Q. Pramukanto and Handry. 2008. The Potency of Glodog China Town Historical Landscape for Tourism Development. Proceeding Int. Seminar on Sustainable Urban Development, 20-21 August 2008, Jakarta, p: 314-319.
Abstract: China town in Glodok district is one of the landscapes evident that contribute to the form of the present Jakarta Metropolitan City until now. This district is still famous as commercial or trading area and having unique Chinese characteristic. There are still many important historical structures that have been designated as National Heritage, through in the present time some of those building structures are not in good condition. As this district is an integral part of the Old Jakarta, this district had been included in the Old Jakarta Revitalization Plan. One of the objectives of this revitalization plan is to promote tourism activity in Jakarta. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the potency of the district landscape as historical site for tourism. The survey method was used to identify the characteristic of the landscape and the potency of tourism supporting factors. The landscape characteristics consist of tangible and intangible components. These components were analyzed and evaluated to define spatial potential zone that shwon strongest Chinese characterisitc. The tourism supporting factors was also analyzed to provide information that useful for developing the zone. As result, this study proposed the potential zone of landscape unit as a tourist main destination. To increase the attractiveness simultaneously to protect the unique and original characteristics, this study also proposed the conservation actions both for the objects and the whole China Town Jakarta historical landscape. All of these effort hopefully would be integrated in the old Jakarta Revitalization Program.
Appears in Collections:Landscape Architecture

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