Faculty of Veterinary : [269] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 269
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Aktifitas harian yaki (Macaca nigra) di penengkaran selama periode estrus dan anestrusAsteria; Yuriestia, Aya; Raharjo, Lisa; Sjahfirdi, Luthfiralda; Adil, Ellyzar I. M., et al
2006Transfer of Inner Cell Mass Cells Derived from Bovine Nuclear Transfer Embryos into the Trophoblast of Bovine In Vitro-Produced EmbryosM. Murakami; CE Ferguson; O Perez; Boediono, Arief; D Paccamonti, et al
1996Ultrasound-guided follicle aspiration and IVF in dairy cows treated with FSH after removal of the estrous cycleMasato Ooe; Raja Rajamahendran; Boediono, Arief; Tatsuyuki Suzuki
1997The outcome of assisted reproductive technology (ART) program in different seasonBoediono, Arief; Kuramoto, T.; Sugioka, M.; Umebayashi, T.; Fukuda Kimiko
1997Pregnancies from obstructive azoospermia patients after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with testicular spermatozoaKuramoto, T.; Boediono, Arief; Sugioka, M.; Umebayashi, T.; Fukuda Kimiko, et al
1996Effect of gas atmosphere on the development of bovine embryos .using a simple portable incubatorKhan, Nayeem Habeeb A.; Kikkawa, Y.; Sumantri, Cece; Saba, S.; Murakami, M.S., et al
1996Chimeric blastocysts produced by aggregation between parthenogenetic and fertilized bovine embryosMasao Murakami; Suzuki, T.; Boediono, Arief
2006Anatomi Alat Pencernaan Ikan Buntal Pisang (Tetraodon lunaris)Yusfiati; Sigit, Koeswinarning; Affandi, Ridwan; Nurhidayat
2007Potensi Diuretik Rambut Jagung (Zea mays L.) Diuretic Potency of Corn Silk (Zea mays L.)Panjaitan, Ruqiah Ganda Putri; Saputra, Rahmat; Handharyani, Ekowati
2007Biology of reproduction and artificial insemination of Timor deer (Cervus timorensis)Toelihere, M.R.; Naley, W.M.M.; Handarin; Yusuf, Tuty Laswardi; Purwantara, B., et al
2007Fertility of frozen-thawed ejaculated and epididymalsperm of Garut ramRizal, M.; Toelihere, M.R.; Yusuf, Tuty Laswardi; Purwantara, B.; Situmorang, P.Z.
2007Reproductive performance of Bali cattle fol1owing artificial insemination in BaliMohamad, K.; Sumantra, I P; B. Colenbrander; Purwantara, B.
2007Potensi Diuretik Rambut Jagung (Zea mays L.) Diuretic Potency of Corn Silk (Zea mays L.)Panjaitan, Ruqiah Ganda Putri; Saputra, Rahmat; Handharyani, Ekowati
2005Protein Concentration Of Excretory/Secretory Released by Ascaridia galli LarvaeBalqis, Ummu; Darmawi; Tiuria, Risa; Suhartono, Maggy Thenawidjaja; Soejoedono, Retno D., et al
1998Kajian aplikasi hCG pada superovulasi PMSG-MOAB anti PMSG dalam usaha peningkatan hasil panen, serta aplikasi metoda direct transfer dalam kriopreservasi embrio sapi perahSupriatna, Iman; Yusuf, Tuty Laswardi; Purwantara, Bambang; Moekti, Gozali; Hernomoadi, Lies Parede
1998Produksi, kriopreservasi dan penentuan jenis kelamin embrio hasil fertilisasi in vitro menggunakan sumber sel telur anak sapiPurwantara, Bambang; Supriatna, Iman; Yusuf, Tuty Laswardi; Amrozi; Agil, Muhammad, et al
2001Aktifitas antibakteri dan efek terapeutik ekstrak cacinc tanah Lumbricus rabellus secara in vitro dan in vivo pada mencit berdasarkan gambaran patologi anatomi dan histopatologiPriosoeryanto, Bambang Pontjo; Poeloengan, Masniari; Tiuria, Risa; Utami, Magdalena Pancaningtyas; Ilyas, Yelly Afrita, et al
2008The profile antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the tissues of Macaques (Macaca fascicularis): an Immunohistochemical studyWresdiyati, Tutik
2008Seroprevalensi avian influenza H5N1 pada kucing-kucing liar di BogorMurtini, Sri; R. Susanti; E. Handharyani
2008Multiple organs failure in aged chimpanzeEstuningsih, Sri; Huminto, Hernomoadi; Agungpriyono, Dewi Ratih; Harlina, Eva; Winarsih, Wiwin
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 269