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Title: Penyempurnaan Basis Data Relasional Fuzzyuntuk Pengukuran Tingkat Kemiskinan Penduduk (Studi Kasus Propinsi Banten)
Authors: Marimin
Herdiyeni, Yeni
Oktavia, Nila
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: This paper discusses the deve[opmel/( of level of population poverty measurement at Banten Province wilh jilZZY relational database (FRDB). The ,ystem called SPTKPB. This system can be used by everyone who lIeed in/ormation about level of population poverty measurement, especially at Bmt/en. There are two types of data that used in this system, imprecise data alld exact data. Imprecise data extracted fl'om society expenditure for food and non food consumption. Exact data extracted from population data such as age. FRDB try to solve the problems related to the representation and handling of imprecise information. In FRDB, fuzzy query is important process /0 get what user's wallt. Gelling jive categories of poverty level, membership functions have role to provide grade of membership. In this case, trapezoidal is the most appropriate membership fUllction to used. The system inputs extracted /rom population data and society expenditure for food and non food cpnsllmption. OutPllt of tIlls system are level of population poverty, level of population poverty according to level of age population, poverty gap index, and distriblltionally sensitive index. Keywords: imprecise data, query flHZY, level of populatioll poverty measurement, fuzzy relatiollal database, poverty gap iudex alld distributiolla/ly sellsitive.
Appears in Collections:Agroindustrial Technology

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